The Ghost of You

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Finding Tank Girl and Ted trying to get some shelter from these bastards (and as always, arguing), Steve joins them despite the pain of having to dodge the thugs' bullets for each step he makes. He was agile, but he couldn't keep up his speed and had not the time to kill em off just yet. "Hey guys, I'm here!" Steve whisper shouted, signaling both a request to join their little pity hideout. "Aw Steve what a fucking show-off you were over there." Ted complimented him while adjusting his sniper. "You're just my type, Stevie." Tank Girl nudged playfully. Even in this situation, we can still have fun.

"Look at missy here glorifying this wrench out of every men in this militia. No offense to you, Steve." "I was being platonic, dummy." This would have been funny if nothing else was happening. But something's happening right now, and funtime isn't the right time at the moment.

"Shut your traps, you two. We're in war and in war, people di-" Steve was cut-off as Tank Girl alerted an incoming attack, "Get your heads down both of you." She screamed as a drunk sniper from the tankmen began aimlessly releasing the bullets all over the place, accidentally killing off some of their allies, but somehow killed off a few groups of thugmen.

A miracle it was that he concealed himself safely with his two comrades before having to accidentally spill his organs and now they have to innovate on how the hell they were gonna hop on their tank and hit the road in a place like this.

"Looks like I underestimated them." Steve paused while lowering his head a bit deeper, "They used to have plastic sports gear, but now they phased out and have metal gear." "Well good for them I guess..." Ted replied while slowly lifting his head to prepare for a proper aim. "When can these fuckers go fuck themselves off already?!" Ted rambles as he finds himself with a handful of ammo left, "I'd do the honor of shoving this gun on their asses till their body splits."

"Better keep your eyes on the battlefield, Sniper, cuz where getting waves of these people and I don't know when it ends." Tank Girl reprimanded as she slowly inspected her surroundings. "Captain told me they came from the west, which is why some of them penetrated left of HQ. So that our allies lose contact from those guarding the west borders making it an advantage for the thugs." Steve said with great elucidation making the two aware of the condition.

"Great. Now we have to find a way to make it to west or we're getting tons of bodies to burn tonight." Tank Girl sighed until a lightbulb lit up in her head, signaling an idea. "I have a plan."

"Make it quick because this baby ain't gonna fucking last." Ted retorted as his gun began running out of ammo.

"There's still a vacant tank near HQ that just got repaired and refilled recently. If we reach it without blowing our heads off, then we can go west. Simply, there still isn't that much thugs crowding on our right, and they're pretty busy dealing with the rest on left, so this is our chance to get there safely. We just need to bring one of the recruiting medics with us in case we'd rot on our way."

"And what if someone did try to shoot us while running?" Steve asked and Tank Girl couldn't decipher if it was a genuine question, but she answered anyway.

"Be careful I guess..."

"Oi let's fucking go. I gotta replenish." Ted yelled as he began to run. "C'mon, Steve, there's nothing more to lose!"

In a series of big steps and somewhat occasional leaps, Steve and his allies did what they could to make sure they're not suspected here. Constantly having to hide behind inanimate objects to conceal their figures if ever their wits tell them so. Reaching the military base, they had to endure a short, but impatient wait as Ted had to gather up some ammunition. "We're almost outta stock." He muttered as he grabbed what quantity remained left in the box.

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