III - Two in One

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A nocturnal dash to his cramped room was the last thing he could do before the slumber. But wait, he always checks on Captain as a little night routine that he has been doing from the roots of their friendship. Despite being an early bird, Captain never cared about curfews and does what he wants throughout the hours left each day which would be getting drunk on the bar, eating candies while singing 'West Virginia' (which is what he calls), or taking Steve on a ride with his tank if ever his insomia keeps up. His buddy on the other hand, keeps a tight sleep schedule if he feels like doing so.

Tiptoing to his door, Steve left out a calm sigh as he twisted the doorknob. High authority are more of worthy to be welcomed by three or four knocks, but Steve gets a pass. Wait till all fingers direct towards their leader for nepotism, but trust me, the man treats his soldiers like children and speaks sweetly with a typical American accent. It's just that more of his trust was on Steve.

"Hey how you doin', Cap'n?" Steve entered the room with a smile. Sure his friend can be an eyestrain and headache, but it's personality so why could he blame. If he were that pissed at him, he would have let him know.

"As fit as a fiddle. Well this might be the first time I would sleep like a baby." John stretched on his bed while doing a few rolls to keep his composure.

"Not bad. Anyways one of the thugs that we encountered from 'I have no idea where the hell they came from' bypassed our borders and luckily, Private Skittles got the right head."

"They must be pissy because they didn't use the pythagorean theorem the last time we met." John mocked while Steve chuckled. His captain would have been a better comedian than Gabriel Iglesias, but his chances of fame are dormant at this moment.

"But Cap, I have a feeling that they did it intentionally. To signal us about something that they're gonna do, and I think it's not gonna be good."

"Plotting to sabotage us while at night?"

"That might be the case, but they're really bombastic and prefer to lauch attack in daylight. What do we do Cap'n?" Steve was honestly worried because he wasn't even sure if his hypothesis was right. He met them before so this is much little hope that he can cling on to make sure he was at truth.

"I once peeped into their military faction before, and most are just a buncha piece of bread who wear spikes and stuff just to look cool. All is well, Steve. They did it just to impress us." John smiled while motioning Steve to come over, "I understand the rustle, but you just might be tired. Here, you can sleep with me."

"B-but Cap!" Steve blushed trying to make out words, "aren't you being a bit too laid back at the moment? Or maybe I'm just being delusional as hell..."

"Might be both, but hey, you need some beauty sleep and some sugar."

"Sugar??" Steve muttered confused as John took out a paper bag filled with candy, "Luckily, I saved up some skittles, m and m's, and lemon drops here. Have some." John added as he took out two pieces of m and m's and shoved it on Steve's mouth. Fascinated by the homogenous mix of ingredients that resonated with the taste, his tongue felt a short, but irresistible moment of flavors. Science says that chocolate loses it's flavor by 50% when consumed in a fit or a gloom, but he was at ease in aftertaste. Glucose intake is what Steve needed after all.

"Guess who's back" Steve smiled.

"What?" John asked confused.

"Back again" Steve replied.

"You're on crack."

"Tell a friend."

"Man I swear you're pullin' my leg now are you?"

"Aw man you don't get the joke?" Steve pouted as he slouched. "What a boomer!"

"Yeah yeah ur ahead of your time I get it." John brushed off sarcastically, "At least I'm more cultured than any other boomer. "I hate my wife!" They said. And I go "I'm hot but no one's available!" John acted with his best impression while Steve chuckled and added some spice.

"Well you're a lost cause, cuz not even Tank Girl will worship you!"

He was a clown, but the best that they both found themselves in a gag as Steve laughed in hysteria. When Steve is happy, John is too.

"Here, this pillow's good for your head." John said as he fluffed the pillow and moved his body aside as space for Steve as his friend settled in. "Remove your helmet too. Man you clean it a lot." When Steve was supposed to rest his head on the newly fluffed pillow, it diverted to John's lap.

"Woah, that's kinda gay or something." John was surpised by Steve's actions that he seemed to earn a chuckle from himself.

"I mean, they say it's gay if you make eye contact." Steve muttered as his eyes locked with his captain's. "Oh what, we're gay now?" "Well no, but yes."

"You're lookin' mighty handsome today, Cap!" Steve stared at John's eyes in awe as John placed his arms on Steve's shoulders, patting them. "As handsome as always. You're in the same boat I see." He then grabbed a handful of candy and shoved it on his mouth, faithfully chewing.

Steve then reached out to John's bag, grabbing some skittles and eating them as if he was on cloud 9. "Private Skittles is gonna blow the roof if he founds out his namesake, hehehehe"

As both adored the silence and serenity of each other's souls, one small voice pierced through the silence in a drowsy tone.

"Cap'n, can you turn off the light?" Steve yawned, head still peacefully on John's lap. Never he gave a damn about the calluses of his foot in contact with the floor partially covered in smithereens of

assorted candy. High authority can be shabby.

"Sure." Like what John said, he was gonna sleep like a baby. The task seemed to be more of an piece of cake as long as he had someone to hibernate with. "Goodnight John..."

Turning off the lamp, Steve was already fast asleep. It can be overwhelming to be incompetent at times, but he had different standards. The gift of agility could let man do anything in a jiffy, like being Usain Bolt without technology. He's also a stunning knife wielder and knows how his tank works as if it was his body. The main aspect that preserves on both in any situation is their charm. Their charm to be themselves, whether a vulgar sailor or someone who cares. Steve in many cases is similar to John, explains how their Captain choose the most at youth out of everyone else. He was grateful for having someone of lower authority to be a companion, or like a brother in spirit.

John's smile seemed to curl without control, as he planted a peck on Steve's head, not bothering to remain in this position. It was the first time he addressed him with his first name. "Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite, soldier. Love ya."

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