A Need

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What do you want?
What do you see?
I simply see what I want to see
Not the Necessities that I need
are those things I need?
Those I know are what I need
But what if what I need isn't something that can bee seen
What if I need love To guide me In the dark
What if I need loyalty to be able to lean on someone
What if I need trust to be able to let someone in to see the real me
What if I need respect to make others understand that I have higher standards for myself then what anyone sees
But oh no that couldn't be me
I'm the perfect little girl that everyone sees
Best grades in her class
And polite as can be But oh no That must be me
Cause why can't it be Why can't that be me
We all have wants We all have needs
But what if That food water air shelter clothing are only part of all we need Because we do need love we do need loyalty we need trust and respect We need compassion for each other Because in the end were all humanity has
We Are The need.

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