new chapters in life

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This page to the next how to reflect on this story that I'm writing  honestly I don't know anymore my life isn't full but it isn't empty I know I'm not okay I'm not complete I know this and that fact is okay  I don't want to be okay  anymore because being okay ment I wouldn't have met you  I wouldnt have a shoulder to cry on I wouldnt have my true best friends the people in life are there to test you and themselves and that's okay we don't fail we don't pass we simply must surpass everything I can't understand anymore and I don't need to life comes it goes but all we know is now life is hard it really truly is but that's okay because new chapters in life begin only when one ends but this I know to I want this next chapter to be with you so please help me make amends to be patient and content because I know what may not seem a lot to you is more then a lot for me like wise to just know this chapter I'll stick by you.
Signed me your one and only new chapter.

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