3:Blood On The Floor

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Dripping down to the floor 

the scarlet red that hurts so deep

you say you can finally feel something

But how is that so when you just lost everything 

I can tempt, it can sway, but once you cut it steals you away

fear it does things to people with out them even thinking

think carefully because once you start you cant ever go back

 the deeper you go the deeper the scars

just because your lost and you feel gone doesn't mean you should give away the last thing 

The one thing that only you and you alone have

 your one and only most precocious jewel 

Your life essence  

So no matter what you decide to do take it form me

 you can never get back what you lost because you so willingly through it away 

and it will now stain the floor of your memory for the rest of your life.

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