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Growing into something new

Radiant more so than ever

A life that has only begun and yet has also ended

Thoughtfully you understood the

Everlasting feelings of my

Family but you couldn't began to

Understand how my thoughts process it, it

Lies underneath my bed where I shall rest at the end.

A/N so here is a little poem I wrote for my writing club activity let me know what you guys think of it also ill make it in a proper announcement  but IM #1 IN #KEEPYOURHEADUP !!!!!! LIKE GUYS YOUR AMAZING please please vote and comment and share THANKS SO MUCH YOUR ALLLLLL SOO AMAZING!!!!! NEVER EVER CHANGE YOU BEAUTIFUL (and for those who don't except beautiful you ugly and amazing) HOOMANS!! (and non hooman's) 

IT's Okay To Not Be OkayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang