Rachelle Gilbert

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I was finally sleeping peacefully after a long night of twisting and turning. It seemed like each night that passed, I slept less.

Loud banging was heard, pounding loudly on my door. I groaned putting my pillow over my head. "Rachelle if you don't wake up right now, I'll throw water on you!" My twin sister threatened trying to get me to wake up.

Elena stood there with both hands on her hips.

I glared, sitting up and tossing the covers over.

"Could there be one day when you don't barge into my room?" I asked in annoyance rubbing my eyes with a yawn. "Yes, when you're up before me!" She smirked knowing that would never happen.

"Alright get out so I can change." I groaned. "Be down in twenty minutes, Bonnie's picking us up." Elena said before leaving my room. I waked out of my room and hopped into the shower before Jeremy would beat me to it. I sighed as the hot water hit my skin causing me to feel Drowsy. I wasn't much for getting dressed up, so I put on whatever I found in my closet and walked down stairs.

My hair was let loose, unlike Elena mine was slightly wavy. Brown with a natural hint of red, but wavy. We had similar brown eyes, mine were a bit lighter and more almond shape rather than round.

I walked over to grab a cup of coffee. Grinning at Jeremy and Elena.

Aunt Jenna was putting things in her bag. "Morning aunt Jenna?" I greeted. Today was going to be a good day, and I wasn't going to let anything or anyone ruin in,

"Someone's chirpy this morning. There's coffee made this time." She beamed. I shook my head.

" Lunch money..." She said handing me some. I thanked her.

"Your first day of school, and I'm not prepared." She sighed. "Don't you have a meeting?" Elena asks.

"Yeah it starts-" She looked down at her watch and groaned. "Now. Crap! I'm late."

I chuckled quitely. "Bye!" I waved as she walked out.


"Morning Bonnie?" I smile. She smiled back. Bonnie and I were great friends, she was best friends with Elena though. Caroline was my best friend.

I sat in the back seeing as Elena had already called shot gun. I pulled out a book I had been wanting to read for a while. "Twilight" Apparently it was a good vampire book. I'm into that kind of stuff. Vampire, werewolves, witches, Demons you name it. I grew up watching shows like Buffy, charmed, Angel and Supernatural. Something about it really drew me in.

I got lost in the book when Bonnie suddenly pressed on the breaks. I fell forward slightly lucky to have been wearing my seat belt.

"Are you girls alright?" Bonnie asked worriedly. I nod my head giving a reassuring smile. "Can't be afraid of cars forever can we?" Elena said.

"OMG! Guys i'm so sorry. I think a crow or something hit the windshield. "Bonnie exclaimed.

"Its fine Bonnie, let just get back on our way." Elena sighed. Bonnie nodded


We got out of the car. Bonnie and Elena started talking about who knows what.

We walked into the hallway and stopped at our lockers, I grin seeing my best friend walking towards us. She squeezes me into a big hug. "Caroline!" I wheezed.."Can't breath.."

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