Night of the comet

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"I'm not saying don't date the guy, I'm saying saying take it slow." Bonnie says getting out of the car as well pull into the parking lot of our school.

"Your the one who said to go for it." Elena teases pointing at Bonnie.

"Now i'm saying take it slow." Bonnie shrugs. "Why the face?" I ask.

"It's not about the face, Rachelle. Elena, you're single for the first time in our enire highschool career. Its the perfect time to play the field." Bonnie points out.

Elena laughs, "Oh becuase i'm so that girl. Seriously, what are you saying?" Elena asks. I just shrugged. I haven't actually dated someone since Dean.

"Its stupid." Bonnie says walking faster. I look at her.

"Bonnie." Elena says slowly. "Spit it out.."

"I accidentally touched stefan and I got a really bad feeling." Bonnie says shrugging. My eyes widened slightly.

"Is that it?" Elena says amused. Bonnie glares at her and she starts to walk away again. Elena grabs her arm, "Bonnie."

"It was that bad." Bonnie says seriously.

"Is this the whole witch thing again?" I ask. "You know what? I'm concerned." Bonnie states. "This is me exposing concern about my best friends boyfriend." Boyfriend? Of course they are.

Elena puts her hand on Bonnie's shoulders." And I love you for it, I do. But I feel good. " Elena says smiling. "Its been a hard year and i'm finally starting to feel like things are going back to normal again. And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that."

Bonnie gives a small smile before doing a nod towards Elena. Suddenly Stefan appears in front of us smiling.

"Morning Elena." Stefan says smiling at my sister. "Morning Bonnie, Morning Rachelle." Stefan greets us.

"Hey, um..I got to go find Caroline she's not answering her phone." Bonnie's eyes flicker up to Stefan and she quickly pushes her through us. "See ya guys."

"Bonnie, wait!" Elena tries, but she keeps on walking. Stefan watches her go then runs to us. "She doesn't like me very much." He states.

"She just doesn't know you yet." I smile. He smiles back. "She's my best friend, she's just looking out for me." Elena says smiling. "But when she does get to know you, she'll love you."

I see Matt and Tyler in front. I grin. "I'm gonna go say hi, later guys." I jog over to them.

"Look there's Elena and her new boyfriend." Tyler says smirking at Matt who is throwing the football around. "I wonder what there doing while there walking..walking...walking. Yup right into the sunset." Tyler says joking around.

"Dick." Matt mutters. I laugh at Matts comment. He wasn't wrong. "You just stand there, looking like one of those little yard trolls." Tyler teases.

"Gnomes." Matt says ticked off. I burst out laughing.

"Whatever." Tyler mumbles. I grin.

"What am I supposed to do Ty? She made her choice." Matt states sadly. Tyler thinks for a moment before setting his backpack down. "Let her know she made the wrong choice." Tyler smirks. He steals the football as Matt is about to catch and gets ready to throw it at Stefan.

"Tyler don't!" I yell. Tyler throws the ball as hard as he can at Stefan. I gasp at it gets closer to Stefan's head. Right at the moment Stefan spins around catching the ball. He catches it and raises his brows. I sigh in relief.

Tyler gives him a suprised look and Matt and I look over at Tyler smugly.

Stefan throws the ball back to Tyler, hard. Tyler jumps and catches it, almost falling back at its force. I hear a bunch of people laughing at Tyler. I grin at Stefan and he winks. The bell rings and we head inside.

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