Salvatore Boarding house

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I open the door, hurrying downstairs, but I bump into Aunt Jenna. "Sorry, Aunt Jenna, i'm running a bit late." I smile sheepishly. I searched the fridge and came across an iced coffee, nice.

She smiles back, shaking her head. "Do I look like an adult?" I look at what she is wearing... "As in respectful parental." She clarifies. "Jeremy's parent teacher conference. Hair up or down?"

"You look beautiful either way, but up will suit you in this case." I reply. She grins.

"Where are my siblings?" I question. "They left early. Jeremy said something about getting to wood shop early and finishing a bird house. Elena said she needed to speak to someone." I am about to comment, but she beats me to it. "There's no wood shop is there?"

"No..." I say slowly shaking my head. "yeah," She sighs angry at herself. I gave her an sympathy smile.


"Originally discovered five centuries ago..." I write it down, then glance at Elena and Stefan. Smiling at each other. "Are we bothering you Mr.Salvatore? Miss Gilbert?" Mr. Tanner asks.

He was about to scold them more, but the bell rings. We quickly rush out of there. I catch up with Bonnie and Caroline since Stefan and Elena disappeared on me.

"Hey Rach." Caroline smiled.

"Whats up care? Sober today?" I questioned. "Yes, of course I am!" She replied with a playful glare.

"So...Bonnie i'm confused are you a witch or Clairvoyant?" Caroline asks Bonnie. I look at Bonnie.

"Well technically Grams says i'm a witch. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all, but she was all looped on liquor." Bonnie says rolling her eyes. "So I kind of turned out. Crazy family yes, witch no."

"It would be cool though." I say. Bonnie shrugged.

"Yeah well, feel free to conquer up the name and number of that guy from last night." Caroline smiles changing the subject. "Hold up!" Bonnie says stopping us. "Guy from last night?" She asked curiously.

"Oh yeah total bad boy and he paid for our stuff" I said with an Eyeroll. "Why didn't you talk to him?" Bonnie questioned . "I don't know I was drunk, but Rach did." Caroline says looking sideways at me. I shook my head slightly. I decided to walk outside and get some fresh air; when I notice Jeremy walking towards Tyler.

"I'm gonna kick your ass." Tyler states.

"You keep saying that, but when are you actually gonna do it?" Jeremy says in Tyler's face. "Cause I vote for right here, right now." Jeremy says pushing Tyler back, hard.

"Walk away Gilbert. Its your final warning." Tyler states threatningly.

"No this is your final warning Dick. I'm sick of watching you hurt Vicky. If you hurt her one more time, I swear to god, I will kill you." Jeremy says. pointing a finger in Tyler's face.

"Jeremy!" I exclaim, slightly shocked at his words. Not that he's wrong. Tyler is a Dick, but still.

He glares at me before waking off. I look over at an angry Tyler.

"Damn that was like a death threat." Tyler says trying to shake it off. "Did you hear that?" He ask everyone. They all nod. I glare.

"Look Tyler, I don't care if he pisses you off, if you touch him I will never speak to you again!" I say seriously. Tyler and I were good friends since we were younger. He was more of little brother too me.

Rachelle GIlbert (TVD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now