Lost girls

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"What are you!?" She asked again. "Elena.." I said. She ignored me and continued to glare at Stefan. "You know?' He asked. "No, I don't." She replied.

"Yes you do or you wouldn't be here." He said. "It's not possible, it can't be." "Elena listen.." I tried again she looked at me... "Listen to Stefan.." She looked at me but her eyes screamed betrayal. "

"Everything you know, and every belief that you have is about to change." Stefan said solemnly. His eyes were hard and he seemed almost heart broken.

"Are you ready for that?" He questioned.

"What are you?" She asked. I rolled my eyes at how idiotic Elena could be sometimes. Stefan took a long pause before answering.

"A vampire" He said. Her eyes widened slightly.

"I shouldn't have come..." she said before turning.

"No please..." Stefan tried.

"Elena!" I Yelled, but she was stricken in fear and seemed to want to be as far away as possible.

"No"  she yelled before running off.

Stefan disappeared before my eyes after her. I sighed and followed.

"How did you do that!?" She questioned as Stefan appeared in front of her.

"Please don't be afraid of me." He begged.

"No, let me go!"

"Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand." Stefan pleaded.

"Let me go!" Elena yelled.

"Elena please..." Elena pulled away and ran off.

"Stefan!" I called he turned with a very worried some face. "We have to go after after her..." I said.

"Take my car, I have to figure what to say to her first and let her calm down more." He said I nodded.


We both got there at the same time.

"Elena!" I yelled. She turned around "You knew!" She yelled.

"All this time and you knew!" She repeated.

"Elena let me explain..." I tried. "How could you not warn me!?"

"Elena Stefan isn't a bad guy." I defended.

"He's a vampire Rachelle, a vampire!"

"I know, but he's not dangerous. What you think and what you need to know are two different things." I reasoned.

"Why didn't you tell me?"  She asked.

"I found out on my own, and confirmed it when I confronted Stefan...But Elena you need to know I only did it to protect you, and Stefan was going to tell you eventually..." I said.

"My sister knew my boyfriend was a Vampire, and she didn't tell me. Tell me Rachelle how am I supposed to be okay with that??" She argued.

"Let Stefan explain to you, and don't over react to anything. Yes Vampires exist and yes Stefan is one, but he loves you and would never do anything to hurt you. " I said sincerely. She glared. "I can't handle this..."

She said before running inside. I ran my hands through my hair.

"She's never going to accept me like this..." Stefan said I sighed. "She will, but she'll never forgive me for keeping this from her..."

Rachelle GIlbert (TVD Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now