if only

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You we're in pain but when you plastered your fake smile I figured everything was fine.

You had these scars on your wrist
When I asked you about them you lied and I easily believed you.

I saw you cry a couple of times and you told me it was nothing and I didn't want to push it.

I found pills in your room but I figured they were for some illness you had.

You made joke's about suicide and death and I loudly laughed about it.

I knew something was up with you

But I gave a blind eye to everything.

I played dumb

I was so ignorant

I didn't want to play the therapist...
I had my own shit to handle.

I saw you die right in front of me
But yet did nothing

You cried for help in every way possible
But I refused to open my eyes.

I still gave you the blind eye.

My ignorance blinded me to see I had a suicidal friend.

You killed yourself and I don't even know the reason why you did it because I was so ignorant.

Your death Hunt's me every night

Guilt is slowly killing me..

I am living in regret..

If only I had done something you wouldn't have killed yourself...

Everyday I live to  say

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