Imperfect Yet Pure

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Hold onto my hand tightly
As I fly like a beautiful butterfly

Reaching out to the sky

Kiss the ground goodbye

For we shall not return  even when we die

Let me not talk about death for it will make you cry

I promise if I see tear's stream down your cheeks
I will kiss your eyes to dry
The tear's

I will not rest until your mouth wears
Your sunny smile

And it will be known to all how much my heart cares

We are not descendants of the heavenly sky

And we will not lie

nor lift our heads up high

We are known to be  imperfect
Nothing to interject
for this is our fate

Not pure like the heavenly creatures

But we have our  own unique features

Glad to reach him and teach her
About the pure love we have for each other

Let it be known to all the creatures
about our imperfect yet pure love
and we will conquer the universe with the purest love ever existed.

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