At last

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They said she was too big

They said she looked more like a pig

But she thought she was just thick

the reflection in the mirror made her sick

So she broke it
With her fist

With just one hit

She just wanted to
And have some peace within

She was the everyday topic,
Making her life toxic

There word's suffocated
Making her depressed

Her inner thoughts voiced

And divorced 

her positivity

Dominating her mind
With negativity

So every night

When it was dark, no light

She was  affright

By her mind
As it replayed
What them,
Her school mate's said to her

"You're too big
You look like a pig" laughs

"You are useless and worthless" laughs

"You so ugly and fat" laughs

To them it was  just a mere joke;

To her it was the reason why she cried

And wished she died;

There word's kept on replaying in her head like a broken Disc; Die!

Her inner voice kept on telling her to jump off the cliff; Die!

She was tired of fighting with the voice inside her head; Die!

She was tired of being bullied everyday; Die!

She was tired trying to love herself; Die!


"They are never going to love you" Die!

"You don't have any purpose on this Earth" Die!

"You're fat to top it off you're ugly" Die!

"You can't even look yourself in the mirror" Die!

"They are never going to stop bullying you" Die!

"Jump jump jump jump!!!! And end this pain!!!!" Die!

"Just listen to me and jump already you good for nothing!!!"

She  couldn't fight her inner voice anymore

She tried ,
she knew she tried
But it was too much for her so she jumped.

Dead and free at last.

Emotions In Word'sWhere stories live. Discover now