New Faces (Chapter Three)

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     I woke up to my alarm blaring the next morning. I sighed and turned it off before getting ready to go to work. It had been three weeks since Mike started helping out, he was there almost every day. He told me that Noah didn't really need his help so often so he spent his time fixing my animatronics.
     Yesterday I had hired a chef and a night guard, between me and Mike we had managed to keep the place going but the extra help would definitely be needed. Besides, we still hadn't found a way to deal with our Molten situation yet. Today would be the new guys first day on the job so I couldn't be late.
     I grabbed coffee and toast and headed to my car. Pretty soon I was pulling into the parking lot of my Restaurant, I got out and unlocked the door. Mike had made himself breakfast in the kitchen and was eating at one of the tables. It had become routine to make food in the kitchen after a night shift at this point.
     "How were the animatronics?" I asked him, sitting next to him and taking a sip of coffee. "Oh they were fine, Freddy threw Bon-Bon at the door though so I have to fix him later. You should really try to make Freddy stop doing that, if he keeps it up like this I won't be able to fix Bon-Bon again, and you're the only one he actually listens to." Mike told me.
      "I'll talk to him." I promised. "Good, thanks." Mike replied. "The new guys are going to be coming in today, neither of them know about how the animatronics act." I said. "Oh boy, this'll be interesting then." Mike said. I laughed, "Yes, yes it will. I have no idea how to bring it up, I might end up winging it and hope it doesn't scare them off." I admitted.
     "Yeah, it's a tough topic to bring up softly, I'm sure the animatronics will bring it up on their own if you don't." Mike pointed out. "Good point, we'll just have to see how it goes then." I said. "Yeah." Mike agreed.
     "I should see what the animatronics are up to, do you know where they are?" I asked, standing up. "I think they were messing around on their stage." Mike told me. "Alright, see you later Mike." I told him as I walked down towards the other stages. "Bye, Jax." He called after me.
     I walked up to the curtain and walked in, immediately hearing the chaos that was happening inside. "Lolbit! Give me back my hat!" Funtime Freddy was yelling. "Not until you promise to stop throwing Bon-Bon at doors, Freddy!" Lolbit retorted.
     Freddy turned and saw me walking up to the stage. "Jax! Tell Lolbit to give me my hat back." Freddy begged. "I'm actually on their side, promise you'll stop throwing Bon-Bon around and you can have your hat back." I said.
     "Ha! See? I knew he'd be on my side." Lolbit bragged. "Why?" Freddy asked me. "Because, if you continue throwing Bon-Bon as much as you do, he'll be so broken that Mike won't be able to fix him anymore. I know you don't want that to happen, right Freddy?" I asked him. "No, I didn't mean to hurt him, Mike was just being super annoying flashing those dumb lights at me." Freddy explained. "It's fine, just don't let it happen again." I told him, he nodded in agreement.
     I turned to look at what the others were doing, Ballora was dancing around the stage, and Circus Baby was singing at a mic with Funtime Foxy. The Minireenas were dancing around as well but they all waved at me as they passed by. BidyBab was sitting alone so I left Lolbit and Freddy alone to talk to them.
     "Hey, are you bored?" I asked them, they nodded in response. Bidybab didn't talk because their voice box had been broken since I got them. "How about we go play somewhere else until the new workers show up?" I asked them, they nodded and reached up for me to carry them.
     Before I left I spoke to the others. "I'm gonna be around the main area, some new employees are going to be here today so be nice to them. Also they don't know you guys are sentient so try not to overwhelm them please." I told them, everyone nodded and agreed.
     I set Bidybab down by the prize counter. "Do you want to play with the toys?" I asked them, they shook their head and pointed towards Pirate's Cove. "Alright." I followed them into Pirate's Cove and played pretend with them on the little pirate's ship playground that was in there.
     A few minutes later Mike walked in. "The new guys are here." He told me. "Okay, let's show them around then." I said. I left BidyBab to play in the sandbox and followed Mike back into the main room. The two people I hired were standing by the entrace looking around.
     "Hi guys, welcome!" I said in a cheery voice. "You're Nick," I said to the new nightgaurd before I turned to the chef, "and you're Howard, right?" I asked them. "Thats my name." Howard confirmed lazily.
     I showed them the kitchen and the security office first before I showed them around the rest of the upstairs. They were surprised to see BidyBab playing in Pirate's Cove.
     "Is that one of the animatronics?" Nick asked. "Yeah, this is BidyBab, BidyBab, this is Nick and Howard, they'll be working here now." I introduced them. Mike was watching the new guys with interest, curious how they would react. "Okay... this is weird." Nick decided. "Meh, not the weirdest thing I've seen today." Howard shrugged.
     BidyBab walked up to us and looked at the new guys. "Is it scanning us or something?" Nick asked fearfully. BidyBab hugged his ankle. "What's it doing?" Nick asked me. "Hugging you." I explained. "They do that?!" He exclaimed.
     "They were made to play with kids, what did you expect?" I asked him. "I don't know, this is super weird. Does it talk?" He asked. Howard bent down to look at BadyBab a bit closer. "BidyBab's voice box is broken so they can't talk." I explained.
     BidyBab gave Nick a comforting pat on the knee before turning to look at Howard. They seemed to be having a staring contest before BidyBab patted his head and walked back over to me, asking to be picked up again.
     I lead everyone over to the Funtime stage, still carrying Bidybab, which concerned Nick. Nick's reactions were amusing Mike and I could tell he was trying not to laugh at him. I pushed past the curtain and stepped into the room, hoping the Funtimes weren't being too chaotic.
     Lolbit still wasn't giving Freddy his hat and Freddy was not happy about it. "Jax! They won't give it back." He complained. I set BidyBab down on the stage and they ran over to Circus Baby.
     "Lolbit, he promised he would stop throwing Bon-Bon, give him his hat back." I said, climbing onto the stage as well. "Fiiiine." Lolbit said, tossing Freddy his hat, he snatched it out of the air and put it on, grumbling something under his breath before glaring at Lolbit.
     Nick, Howard, and Mike climbed onto the stage as well. Nick seemed pretty nervous around the animatronics but Howard still looked like he had seen worse in the past 24 hours. "Alright guys, meet Howard and Nick. Nick and Howard, meet Circus Baby, Ballora, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Lolbit, the Minireenas, and you've already met BidyBab." I said, pointing at each animatronic as I said their name. "Hi..?" Nick said, waving at them. "Sup." Howard greeted.
     "Now that you've met everyone, you guys can probably go home. Nick, I expect to see you here tonight for your first shift, either me or Mike can show you how your job works. Howard, I'll tell you when your first day is, we need to hire a few more people before we can open so I'll see you when I see you." I told them.
     "Yeah, sounds great, I'm gonna head home now." Nick said, speedwalking out the door. "Bye." Howard said as he followed Nick out the door. The animatronics called goodbye after them.
     Once they were gone I took one look at Mike's face and we both started laughing. "Did you see how scared Nick was when BidyBab hugged him?! It was hilarious!" Mike said. "Yeah, he made sure to leave in a hurry, huh?" I agreed.
     "That Howard guy was concerningly chill about everything though." Mike said after he stopped laughing. "I don't think I want to know what else he's seen that the animatronics didn't even phase him." I agreed.
     I turned to Freddy and Lolbit. "What part of 'don't overwhelm the new guys' didn't you understand?" I scolded. "Sorry, it was just too fun pissing off Freddy." Lolbit apologized. "I just wanted my hat back." Freddy protested. I sighed and turned to the others. "You guys were all fine. But could you go easy on Nick tonight? I don't want him to quit on his first week here, got it?" They all nodded.
     "It was pretty funny seeing him so afraid." Circus Baby said. "Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure the fact all of you leave the stage will scare him enough." I pointed out. "True!" Lolbit laughed.
     "Y-you di---dn't intro-introduce me-e-e-e." Molten complained from somewhere above us. "I'm pretending you don't exist and didn't just say anything." I said. "Good plan." Mike agreed. Molten laughed at us in his malfunctioning way.
     "Freddy, is that you?!" Circus Baby asked Molten. "Clearly not, I'm right here." Funtime Freddy told her. "I'm not talking to you idiot. There was another Funtime Freddy before you were made." Circus Baby responded.
     "L-long t-t-time no-ooooo see, Ba--aby." Molten replied. "It is you! What happened, why do you sound like that?" She asked him. Me and Mike sat back and watched curiously. "I m-may ha---ve ex-perienced f-f-fire re-recent--ly." Molten told her. "Oh no! Are you okay?" Baby asked him with genuine concern. "O-oh, I'm fiiiiiiiiiine." He said, I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or malfunctioning by his tone of voice.
     "Where did you go?" Baby asked him. "O-oh, Aft-Afton w-w-wanted toooo repur----pose m-me, s-s-s-said he haaaad so--me b-better-er plaaaaansss f-for m-meee." Molten explained vaguely.
     "Can you come down here?" Baby asked him. "D-do yo---u tru-trust the-se guuuys?" He asked her, referring to me and Mike. "Yes, I do trust them." Baby confirmed. There was a pause before Molten spoke again, "F-ine." There was a scraping sound from the vent and then Molten crawled out.
     He was almost entirely wires and bits of endoskeleton, his face was falling apart and he only had one broken red eye. You could tell his face used to be white but it was dirty now, there were spots of brown but I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be brown or not. He didn't look like he had ever looked like Funtime Freddy. "Are you sure he used to be Funtime Freddy?" I asked Baby. "They changed his design." She explained as Molten dragged himself over. He didn't have legs, just wires, but he still had his arms.
     "It's been a while Freddy." Ballora greeted, Funtime Foxy agreed. Lolbit along with Funtime Freddy didn't seem to know him. "P-p-please, youuu ca-----n call m-me Molt-en." He said. "You need a new voice box." Mike muttered, his animatronic repair man showing. "Y-ya th-th-thin--k?" Molten asked him, laughing, I was 100% sure he was being sarcastic this time.
     "It's b-been a whi-while Micha----el, ha-hasn't iiiit?" He asked, crawling closer. "Yeah, it has been." Mike agreed. "M-misss me?" Molten asked him. Mike didn't respond but his face definitely said no, Molten seemed to notice this and burst out laughing again.
     "O--oh, thiiiiis is g---oing t-to be f-f-f#n!" Molten decided, still laughing. "Why did he skip the 'u'? He hasn't had that malfunction before..." I muttered. "B-becaaause sc-screw y-you, ammmm I r---ight?" He immediately responded before laughing.
     "Should've seen that one coming." Mike muttered. Lolbit loved the joke and laughed along with Molten. "A-anyw-ways, I'mmm gunna-nna g-g-go no---w, byyyyye!" Molten said, faking excitement as he climbed back into the vents, his laughter faded away and I heard the scraping sounds disappear down the vents.
     "He's creepy." I decided. "You can say that again." Mike agreed. "Why do you even know him?" I asked Mike. "Um, I don't know, anyways, I'm gonna go fix up Bon-Bon. See you guys!" He said, hastily leaving. That was weird I thought as he left.
     I turned to the animatronics. "I'm going to go finish my coffee, you guys can do whatever. Just maybe stay away from Molten for now, something seems off about him." I told them. "If you want us to I suppose." Circus Baby said.

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