Kidnapped (Chapter Seven)

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     ⚠️ just a quick warning that this chapter contains some dark themes and description of injury, please proceed with caution! ⚠️

     When I woke up, I was in a dark room. I was laying on the ground. I couldn't move. "Hello, Jaxon." A voice said. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Springtrap, but you can call me William Afton." The voice, or rather, Mr. Afton said. That was a lot to process. I knew that some animatronics were possessed, but I hadn't considered that the Willaim Afton might still be around.
     "What do you want?" I asked. "I want to figure out how to make people immortal." He replied. "Haven't you already done that?" I asked. "This immortality is incomplete, it isn't... ideal. Besides, if I can find them, I can bring my family back to life. In fact, you already brought me two of them." Mr. Afton ranted. Wait, are two of my animatronics possessed by members of the Afton family? Which ones?
     "Why can't I move, and why did you bring me here?" I asked, if he was giving me answers I would keep asking questions. "You can't move because you're in the old Spring Freddy suit. You actually can move but you might want to be careful, we wouldn't want you to get springlocked, would we?" Springlocked? Isn't that why the springlock suits were decommissioned in the first place? Isn't that how Willaim Afton was killed?
     "And I brought you here because I need your help to get my family together, plus I need a living person in Fazbear Enterprises that's on my side." He explained. "Why would I help you?" I asked. "Because you don't have a choice. I have your friend, Mike, and four of your animatronics here that I can do with as I please. Besides, if you won't help I can always make Noah do it, he's a little stubborn but every man has his breaking point." He was threatening me and my friends.
     "You stay here, I need to see the others." Springtrap said. I waited until I was sure he left, then I got up. He was right, I could still move, but it was difficult. If I made one wrong move I would set off the springlocks and get myself killed. I didn't know how to take the suit off, maybe if I found Mike, he would be able to help me. I had to find everyone anyways so we could get out of here.
     I saw a door so I opened it, luckily it wasn't locked. The next hallway had flickering lights and peeling paint, where was this place? I kept walking, progress was slow in the suit. I turned a corner and kept walking until I found another door. I hoped my friends were on the other side instead of Springtrap. I opened it. Balloon Boy was there, missing his arm and his leg on opposite sides of his body.
     "Who's there?!" He asked. "It's Jax, I'm in the suit." I replied. "Why are you in the suit?" Balloon Boy asked. "I don't know, Springtrap didn't tell me why. This is a springlock suit though, meaning it can kill me if I move the wrong way, so don't touch me." I explained. "Okay." Balloon Boy said. "Can you move?" I asked. "I think so." He replied. "Good, follow me." I told him.
     We continued on down the hall until we reached the next door. I opened it and saw Circus Baby standing in the middle of the room. "Balloon Boy? And, who are you?" She asked. "I'm Jaxon, Springtrap put me in a springlock suit so please be careful so I don't get springlocked." I explained hastily. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine, he just left me alone in here." She responded.
     We continued through the hallway until we reached another door. Funtime Foxy was behind this one, he was powered off. When I turned him on he looked surprised, and then scared. I told him who I was, explained the springlock situation, and asked if he was okay. "I don't know, I think Springtrap did something to me but I don't know what." He said, still seeming scared. I wanted to help him but the only way for me to do that was by getting us out of here, so we continued down the hallway. We soon found Lolbit who seemed frightened but otherwise unharmed.
     We found another door, and an exit sign hanging above another door, this had to be where Mike was. I walked in with the others. Sure enough, Mike was there, tied up to a chair looking worse for wear. I explained who I was and got Circus Baby to untie him.
     "Do you know how to get this springlock suit off without killing me?" I asked. "Yeah, I think so. What did Springtrap do to you guys anyway?" Mike asked. "He just locked me in a room." Circus Baby said. "He said I was only good for parts." Balloon Boy said. "He left me in a room, I don't think he did anything." Lolbit said. "He did something to me, but I don't know what." Funtime Foxy said. "He put me in this thing, obviously, but he also said some interesting things. He is William Afton, he wants to fix immortality, he wants to bring his family back together and said I brought him two people in his family to him, and then he left after telling me to stay put." I explained.
     "He's Willaim Afton?" Circus Baby asked. "Two of us are his family? Who?" Funtime Foxy asked. "I didn't really want this to come up, but I am his son. My real name is Michael Afton." Mike said. "Really? I thought he meant the animatronics were possessed." I said. "I am." Circus Baby said. "His daughter, Elizabeth, triggered a bad kill program in me. Now she's still here." She continued. "Elizabeth?" Mike asked. "It's been a long time since I heard that name." He trailed off.
     "We should talk about this later, help Jax and then let's go." Balloon Boy said. "Right." Mike agreed. He started to push some hidden buttons on the suit in a specific order, once that was done, he took off the Spring Freddy head. Then his carefully removed sections of the suit, each requiring a button sequence. Finally the only peice left was an upper leg peice on my right leg. Mike started putting in the code but this time it didn't work and the springlocks went off. I screamed as the metal stabbed into my leg. Mike quickly redid the code correctly and got it to come off and stop stabbing me. He repeated several apoligies but I told him it was alright.
     My leg was bleeding where the suit had malfunctioned. "Are you okay?!" Circus Baby asked. "I'm fine." I responded through gritted teeth. Mike ripped off a peice of his shirt and fastened it over the injury to try and stop the bleeding. "Let's go." I said.
     I had to limp on my leg now, but I was more worried that Springtrap had heard me scream and was coming to stop us and now I couldn't even run away. Luckily, we got to the exit without anyone appearing and we walked outside of the building, Mike had me lean against him so I wouldn't strain my leg and Circus Baby just carried Balloon Boy since he only had one leg at the moment.
     My phone was still in my pocket, I guess Springtrap didn't think I could get to it. It had been a full day since I had gone to Noah's. I looked up our location. We were about an hour away from our restaurant. I called Nick and told him to bring the company car since the animatronics were with us and that I'd pay him for overtime.
     After waiting for a very stressful hour, Nick finally arrived to pick us up. The animatronics loaded themselves into the back. "What in the world happened to you?!" He asked me and Mike. "That doesn't matter right now, just take us to the restaurant." I replied, I could hear the tension echoed through my own voice.
     Another hour later and we pulled into the parking lot. No one was there so we all just got out at the front door. Circus Baby helped carry Balloon Boy to Parts and Service and me and Mike found a first aid kit in the security office where my leg was properly bandaged and Mike took care of his own injuries.
     "How did you get so beat up?" I asked him. "Partly from Molten, partly from Springtrap." He replied. I decided not to press for more, if Springtrap was his dad, I could guess how his childhood had been and then I could guess nothing had changed since then.
     "Is Elizabeth your sister?" I asked him. "Yeah. She is. She went missing when I was a teenager, she was still just a little kid. I can't believe she's been with Circus Baby this whole time. I bet my dad programmed Circus Baby to have a kill program. I'm glad he got to die to one of his death traps, sucks he couldn't stay dead though." Mike ranted. I hadn't heard Mike be so bitter before, but he seemed to need to get it out of his system.
     "If my dad really believes the rest of our family exist somewhere, I hope I can find them again. I wish I could talk to Elizabeth but I don't think she can communicate anymore..." He muttered. "Maybe we'll find a way." I suggested. "Maybe." He said doubtfully.
     "Did Springtrap say anything else to you?" He asked, changing the subject. "He threatened me, and all of you guys, and Noah. He wants me to be on his side, he said he needed someone from Fazbear Enterprises that was alive and could do his bidding and help him achieve his goals. I don't think he'll give up on that either." I said.
     "Besides, if he can't get me, he'll go after Noah." I added. "Doesn't Noah kind of deserve it? He's the one who handed us over to get his animatronics back." Mike pointed out. "I don't know..." I said.
     "I should go fix Balloon Boy. I might need to order him new parts, he's smaller than the other animatronics and I'd be shocked if we have arms and legs for him laying around." Mike said. "Yeah." I agreed. "You should go home and rest, and probably go to the doctors to check out your leg." Mike told me. "And tell them what? I got stabbed by a robot suit?" I asked. "Whether or not they believe you doesn't matter, they still need to fix your leg." He pointed out. "I guess you're right about that. After you fix Balloon Boy, you should get some rest as well, I'm not the only one with injuries." I said. He agreed and we said goodbye.
     I realized I would have to get the company car from Noah's parking lot at some point but I really didn't want to see him after this. That would have to be a problem for another day, for now, I just needed some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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