New Additions (Chapter Five)

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     In the month following opening day, I had hired more people so me and Mike were both able to keep things going behind the scenes throughout the day. I had also ordered some new animatronics that were supposed to be arriving soon. They were called the Toy Animatronics, and I was excited to get them in.
     I had also ordered a new voice box for BidyBab, I learned from Circus Baby that BidyBab is a girl, but she still doesn't say much. She usually just hums to herself, never really talking. I ordered ElectroBab for her, he was supposed to be in today.
     We were closed for the day so I got in late, no need to rush. Mike told me we had two new animatronics in.
     "Weren't we only supposed to get ElectroBab? Who else is here?" I asked him as we walked to the elevator. "I know, that's what I thought. But it seems one of the Toys got here early." He explained. "Which one?" I asked. "You'll see." He said vaguely.
     We walked into the storage room, ElectroBab was powered off there, and right next to him was Balloon Boy. "Huh. Why'd he get here so early?" I wondered. "I'm not sure, we could always ask him though." Mike replied.
     I turned them both on, discovering that ElectroBab had yellow eyes so it would be easy to tell him apart from BidyBab with her pink/purple eyes. Balloon Boy had blue eyes, a blue and red striped shirt, dark blue pants, and a propeller hat. He also held a balloon and was supposed to hold a sign, but he didn't have his sign with him.
     "Hello." I greeted them. "Hi! I'm Balloon Boy, nice to meet you. Do you like balloons? Because I have balloons if you want them." Balloon Boy said. "You're inly holding one balloon..." Mike muttered.
     "I am?! That's weird because last I checked I had like fifty." He told us. "You had fifty balloons in your hand?" I questioned. "Is that a problem?" He asked. "No, I'm just mildly impressed." I explained. "Good. Now where am I?" He asked.
     "You're at your new location, I didn't think you were supposed to be here this early though." I explained. "Oh yeah, I think the people in the factory didn't like me so they stuffed me into a box and said I was good enough." He told us. "Thats... concerning." Mike commented. "It really is. Now, is this the only room in this place or can I leave?" Balloon Boy asked. "We'll leave soon, I just want to talk to ElectroBab first." I promised.
     ElectroBab had just sat there and watched for half of the conversation but during the other half he had gotten up and started looking around. "Hi, ElectroBab." I said, he waved. "Can you talk?" I asked him, he nodded. "But you don't want to?" I asked, earning another nod. "Yeah, you and BidyBab will get along just fine. Follow me." I said, leading to way to the elevator.
     They were excited about all the rooms and places but were even more excited when we walked into the main room amd they saw the Funtimes on the stage. "Wow, is this whole stage for me?" Balloon Boy asked. "Uh, no, it's for everyone." I told him. "Oh, well that's lame." He said, but he still walked over to it to meet the rest of the animatronics.
     "Hello!" Balloon Boy called. "Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Circus Baby." Baby greeted. The others introduced themselves as well. "You guys seem cool, I guess you can be my friends. Well, all of you except the bear, he looks funny." Balloon Boy announced. "Hey!" Funtime Freddy complained.
     "Wh-what's wroooong with-ith b-b-b---ears?" Molten asked. "What was that?" Balloon Boy asked. "That would be Molten." I said. "He's creepy. Hey, you're creepy!!!" He shouted at the vents. Molten laughed. "H-have youuu loo----ked  in aaaaa mirr-irror?" Molten asked.
     "He's creepy and rude. Hey, you're creepy and rude!!!" He shouted again. "Y-you r-r-reaaally do---n't have t--o sh-sh-shout, I c-caaan he-ar youuu jusssssssst fi---ne." Molten told him. "Mhm, sure, you sound old. Old people can't hear." Balloon Boy said. "Oh, that's a burn!" Lolbit commented. "Wh-what?" Molten asked in confusion. "See? What did I tell you, he didn't hear me that time because I didn't shout." Balloon Boy said. Molten growled.
     "F-#$@% offffff." I heard the scraping sounds retreat down the vents. "Did he just censor himself? What a boomer, am I right?" Balloon Boy said. Mike laughed, "Yes he is." he agreed. "Shuuut u-up!" Molten yelled from some other part of the restaurant. Even the Funtimes found that funny. "I forgot how easy it is to piss him off." Circus Baby commented. "I like you Balloon Boy, you make Molten run away." Mike said. I guess he really doesn't like Molten.
     Balloon Boy seemed to get along with everyone, especially Lolbit, so I left them alone. ElectroBab had already befriended BidyBab and I saw them run off to play together in Pirate's Cove.
     Me and Mike talked about some future plans until it started to get late. "I guess I should go home." I finally said. "Yeah, let's hope the new animatronics behave for Nick." Mike said. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow then." I said. We said goodbye and I went to drive home.
     When I got home I wondered if Mike ever even left the restaurant. I figured he had to, there was no way he just lived there... right?

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