Let's Start From The Beginning

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[3 months ago]

For the first time ever, I opened my eyes.

Smoke and fire filled the sky, as far as I could see.

When it finally cleared, all I could see was a radioactive wasteland, covered in fire, lava, soul sand, magma blocks; void of any life other than my own and those around me. The others. The others who were like me.

A million questions filled my head.

Why am I here? And how? What was that explosion... the radiation came from it... am I made of radiation? HOW DO I KNOW WHAT RADIATION IS? What was the world like before? Are there any other living things in the world? Is it all like this?

"Hey" One of the others yelled, attracting my attention. "Ya gonna help or what?"

"Yup!" I exclaimed, before I realised that now I had another question. "Help with what?"

"Getting resources, ya imbecile" they grunted, I looked up and saw the annoyed expression, a large frown that I soon noticed to be the exact same expression worn by all the others.

"Where do we get them from?" I asked once more.

"That's why we gotta find it, duh!" A different person snapped.
Huh, it's so hard to tell them apart... if all of us look exactly the same...

We walked for a long time. Everywhere looked the same, everyone looked the same.

[2 months ago]

It didn't take too long for the others to realise I was different. It only took me a while longer to realise that they felt this way.

"What's wrong with you?" One of them snapped one day, "the world is rubbish, we're all just here for no reason, there's nothing to do, and you're just skipping round acting like everything's okay. Your only worry is about where we came from, how and why..."

"I'm... curious" I shrugged.

"Yeah, I know, we all know... and we're honestly sick of it. The past doesn't matter if our future is as bleak as the present."

I thought for a second. Does nobody else want answers? "Well..." I suggested, "If we knew how we got here, perhaps it could help us to move forwards... learn about the world..."

"You're too optimistic! Life sucks and everyone knows it!" Another radiation monster agreed.
"There's absolutely nothing to be happy about... and yet you're never sad... you're lucky, I guess, but you've got to understand that our situation is bad"

"Okay..." I murmured.

"Look," the other one sighed, "why don't you go on a little walk on your own. It'll give us a break from you and your smile for a while, and you get to see that there's nothing great about the world. It's all as deserted as... well, here really. Radioactive wasteland."

I grinned again, exclaiming "Sure!" before leaping over a huge lava pit, racing across the warm magma blocks and avoiding the soul sand that slowed me down. I ran for what seemed like hours before taking a break.

This place was great. I found a nice burning piece of netherack to sit on, the flames dancing around me. Fire is so pretty...


By the time I got back, their plan seemed to have worked. Well, half.

I was still joyful as ever, possibly even more... but the others seemed to be less annoyed with me now. Yup, I'm definitely much happier.

Radioactive wasteland may not have much 'interesting' stuff or much to survive... but it's my home with my family.

And I love it.

Radiation Monster With A SmileWhere stories live. Discover now