New discoveries

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[1 1/2 months ago]

These walks had become like a regular thing now. They helped... yet there was one small thing that I'd been told.

The world is all the same.

Yeah, that part was true - yet how could it? How could it all go on forever? Just the same wasteland... surely there must be something else... some other people?

Nah, that's impossible.

It's just us. And, well... that's all that we need it to be, really. It's all great here.

Just then, something snapped me out of my thoughts. I'd ran straight into something very solid...

Taking a step back and looking up, I saw this towering... thing, looming above me. What is it? It's... a GIANT WALL! How is it here? What is it for? Who made it?

I really wanted to inspect it more, my curiosity was drawing me closer to it... but then again, I really need to show this to the others... maybe if they see it, then we can work together to find out more about it. Maybe it'll give them more hope!


"A what?" One of the others asked after I'd told them what I'd found. The one I called Lava.

"A wall. I think it's been made by other people. None of us made it, and it's different to everything else! It's a new block - looks different." I explained.

"Lucky," Lava sighed, "there is no 'other people'. It's just us. Why won't you finally see that?"

I shook my head. "Nope; you need to see the wall. All of you do"

Lava groaned in frustration. "Fine, I'll talk to the others, but they'll just agree with me. You'll see." And with that she went off to a small group of others, talking in hushed whispers. I edged closer to try to hear what they were seeing, but that's when another radiation monster, Magma, noticed that I was listening.

He stepped towards me, folding his arms. "The thing is, Lucky..." he began, "we've searched the whole area. There can't be a wall, we would have found it already-"

"But I saw it and I can show you!" I exclaimed, gently grabbing his arm and trying to lead him in the direction I found it, however he was much stronger.

"We're not going, Lucky. This thing doesn't exist, and it's a waste of time. Why can't you just help us doing things that do matter-"

"so stop these fantasies" Lava agreed, before disappearing off somewhere else.

But... they're not fantasies......... I saw the wall, it's real... but how can I prove it to them if they just won't listen?

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