The Creatures

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[1 month ago]

Another walk. Always another.

I like the walks, and I'm not complaining. No way! Plus, I get to go to the wall - I wanna find out everything I can about it. And that's why I've been going here on every walk since I first found it.

The big fire was high in the sky, like it always was. Nice and bright, good for inspecting the wall. I'm pretty sure I've been all the way around the wall now, it's an enclosed space. And there's an entrance-looking thing, but it was all blocked up. I tried really hard to open it... yet it was completely stuck.

So, the question was... was this wall keeping me in, or keeping me out?

[1 week ago]

I was back at the wall. No surprises there.

But what was surprising?

I was about to make, quite possibly, the most exciting discovery of my existence! There was life - yes, other life - in the world!

So, I was tired. Lots of running. Therefore, I was just sat down on some soul sand. Yeah, it makes you run slow, but I LOVE that it makes fire go blue. It's so cool.

Anyway, I was just there, and that's when I heard VOICES coming from the other side of the wall!

I couldn't believe it myself... I was so excited, I was speechless - just leapt to my feet and scrambled closer to the wall so I could hear better. Something about... radiation?

They know about it too!

"It's dangerous" I heard one of the things say, "and that's why we need to stay inside the walls. They protect us"

Well... now I have quite a few answers. I'm getting kept out, these creatures aren't like me, they don't like the radiation... they can speak like us, the wall was made by living things for protection... this was so much information all at once, I knew that I needed to let the others know.

So, I sprinted back as fast as I could.


"Hey, everyone!" I exclaimed, panting and out of breath. "You need to see! The wall, I was at the wall, and THERE ARE OTHER LIVING THINGS THERE!!"

The silence was only broken by Lava sighing heavily. I got lots of blank stares. Some confused glances mixed with the frowns.

"Hey" one of the Soul sisters called, breaking the silence. "Lucky. Let me tell you something. You run around all happy, talking about walls that don't exist like some lunatic. As if we're going to believe this!". The other Soul shook her head in disbelief.

"But it's there! The wall... and the other things, I heard them!" I protested, "please trust me! It's amazing, they speak just like us! We can communicate with them, maybe they will know about the past!"

"As if" Netherack scoffed.

"They knew about the radiation though... maybe they're smart. They could help us!" I attempted to reason,  but they just didn't seem to want to listen. Magma, Soul Sand and Soul Soil, Netherack and a few of the others gave up and just walked off, not even bothering to listen any more.

"Come on, Flame!" I piped up, skipping towards one of the radiation monsters. "You believe me, right?". Flame just stepped backwards and shook her head.

"It's impossible, Lucky. Just impossible." Lava snapped, "so get this stupid idea out of your head."

Netherite agreed, bitterly adding "the sooner the better"

The rest of them then left, Lava shooting one last scowl in my direction.

Hmm. This is more difficult than I thought t would be. Well, I'm always up for a fun challenge - I can convince them, it'll just take time. Or... ooh, what if I manage to talk to the new creatures, and take them back to show the other radiation monsters. Then they'll have to believe me, if they see it with their own eyes.

But first... I'm tired. It was a lot of excitement for one day, plus a lot of running - so I decided to have a rest first. There's time to talk to the new creatures later.


I woke to someone whispering "Hey, Lucky....... Lucky, get up."

Kinda confused, I sat up, rapidly blinking. It was Magma... what was he doing here?

"I... I really shouldn't be asking you this, but..." he murmured, "can you... show me where you found the other creatures?"

Woah... someone finally wanted to listen! It actually was pretty easy then :3
Magma wanted to see the new creatures, and once I showed him, he could tell the others!They would believe him.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed, leaping to my feet, ready to race of. "It's this way - let's go!"

Eventually, we got to the wall. I heard Magma gasp as we reached it... well, it was quite a sight. "Shh" I giggled, "if we're too loud then we won't hear the other creatures!"

But there was nothing to be heard.

We waited there for ages, until Magma gave up.

"Well that's that... there are no voices." He declared.

"Hey, hang on a second" I pleaded, "just a bit longer. They were here-" Magma didn't seem to agree. "W-Wait..." I mumbled, "you don't think I'm lying, do you?"

He seemed deep in thought for a second. "Well... no. I think that you believe that you've heard voices... like a hallucination."


"Well" Magna took a deep breath before continuing his theory, "you're always really optimistic... so you believe what you want to believe. You think that the world is all great because you don't want to admit that it's all deserted, pointless, worthless... right? You want to believe that there is other life here... so your brain makes you think that you heard talking. Because that's what you want to hear."

I paused, nodded a little. "Even if that was true, though" I pointed out, "surely something living must have made this wall?"

"I guess..." he considered, "it could have been made before the explosion, and the creatures died after. See, we're the only living things here now. Either way... it doesn't matter. And I don't care."

At least he now believes me about the wall?

But... I heard them... I'm not going crazy...

Edit: A/N:

Okay, I have now got Lucky in human(ish??) form. (Basically, non-blocky :'D)

So I've put it in my "Random :3" book

See ya there!
(Hopefully :'3)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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