Chapter 23

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At first, all she saw was a rolling sea of lush green canopies and foliage that stretched off as far as the eyes could see. It lapped at the base of a far-off mountain range and stretched its emerald fingers all the way up the rocky, snowless peaks. Hovering above the mountains was a bright yellow sun nearly double the size of Earth's, lighting the thick tendrils of clouds on fire as they flowed over the lip of the ridge and crept down into the valleys below. It was an absolutely breathtaking scene. She leaned over the edge of the platform, beginning to see glittering beneath the foliage that she initially thought was from a water source. However, as they continued to descend, she realized it was the sun's reflection off of multiple metal surfaces. Massive structures, some of which looked like the back of giant metal beetles, materialized from the greenery, steadily increasing in size and detail as the canopy reached up to meet them. Feeling a bit underwhelmed for her expectations of an advanced alien civilization, Kara turned in hopes to see something more. She glimpsed a dazzling sea of reflected light only for a moment before her vision was suddenly swallowed by darkness. Metal surrounded them on either side, so close to them that the walls seemed to constrict the very air from her lungs. Within the span of a minute, Kara went from experiencing extreme claustrophobia to the sensation of being surrounded by an immense open space. Glancing up, she saw the circle of light steadily shrinking and then disappearing entirely as a spiral hatch snapped shut.

Her eyes quickly adjusted to the new light, seeing red symbols glowing along the circular walls and banners hung all around. They passed by two levels full of computer terminals with bright blue and red haptic charts, diagrams, models, and scrolling text. Each terminal was manned by at least two aliens, some of which gave them a doubletake as they passed by. The room grew as they neared the end of their descent, expanding into a large rectangular space with a line of terminals on the left and right sides. Their platform slowed and sunk into place with surprising smoothness, fitting as seamlessly as a final puzzle piece into the engraved patterns adorning the metal floor. Without a moment's hesitation, the transportation slab floated forward. It spun so that the ends faced the terminals, seeming to have some sort of programmed response to their arrival in this place. The aliens growled and chittered amongst themselves, swiping around data and activating some codes that brought the room to life.

The entire floor length between the two terminals opened up, revealing an inner working of gears, pistons, and shifting pieces of metal Kara had no name for. From the underbelly rose two massive metal arms holding crescent-shaped pieces, each about fourteen feet in diameter. The arms rotated the pieces and brought them together to form an upright ring, large enough for a Semi to pass through, around the transportation slab. There was the sound of locking and mechanical whirring; then, the arms released the ring and returned to the floor, leaving it levitating like some portal to another dimension. A deep humming began to emanate from the ring, and as it crescendoed, a dark-magenta light fizzed to life inside, completing the portal look. As soon as the light was activated, the transportation slab and ring move forward together, and as they traveled, the ring spun slowly. It revolved every which way at every angle, shining light into each nook and cranny of the skulls and guitar case. As it neared the middle of the room, Kara felt a hand nudge her arm. She looked and saw her companion taking small strides towards the open floor, curling his fingers in a gesture to follow. Her steps were tentative as they approached, seeing flashes of herself all chewed up and caught within the gears and mechanisms. Though her foot hesitated at the edge of the hole, her companion stepped fearlessly over the churning metal. Panic overcame her for a split second; just when she thought he was either about to fall to his death or somehow walk across air, two thin metal platforms shot out from the sides of the hole and met in the middle. They seemed to have the same sort of powerful levitation technology as the ring since the newly formed platform hovered over the opening without any kind of support, and it did not waver under her companion's weight. With slightly more confidence, Kara stepped onto the platform beside the alien. There was the sound of hydraulics, and then another pair of arms rose and formed a ring around them. The machine revved up, basking them in its magenta light. Following her companion's lead, she placed one foot in front of the other, keeping pace so that each time they touched the next platform that shot out before them, the one behind them disappeared. As the machine spun around them, a strange pulsing sensation began to spread over Kara's skin. It was as if someone was gently pressing Velcro against her and pulling it away. Claws dug into her shoulders, the Xeno shifting uneasily as it seemingly went through a similar sensory experience.

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