Chapter 19

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The wheels quietly squeaked in feeble protest as Stephens hurriedly pushed Kara through the halls towards the hospital wing. He walked in silence, arms stiff, a grimace making his features taut. Deep in thought, he tried to conjure up ways to avoid what was soon to come, though it was near impossible now. He didn't need to see her face to know that the gears were spinning in her head. She would start asking questions. Questions he would have been prepared to answer maybe a week from now, but Adrian (fucking ignorant bastard, never knows when to take a hint) had taken it upon himself to advance the deadline. Alright class, assignment is due right fucking now! I hope you're all prepared and ready to present!

As they rounded a corner, Stephens' eyes darted up to a sign suspended from the ceiling just a few doors down. Medical. Might as well have said Salvation. His pace quickened a little, desperate to get Kara back in bed so he could go run and hide. And figure out what the fuck he was going to do.


He ignored her, continuing to fast-walk towards the double doors. They were so close.

"Stephens." Her voice, though it cracked, had taken on a deadly serious tone. "What did Adrian mean by that?"


"What is it, Stephens? What's the 'other alien'? What the fuck is it!? Stephens!"

They burst through the doors, startling everyone in there. Kara's attending doctor stood from his chair and made a noise of exasperation. "Well, it's about ti-"

He lost his train of thought when he saw the expressions on their faces; one overcast and heavy with guilt, one wide-eyed and frantic with confusion and fear.

"Get something to calm her down," Stephens told the doctor as he wheeled past him to Kara's bed. When he looked back he saw that the man was only standing there in shock. "Now!"

The shout jolted the doctor back to life and he scampered over to some drawers, telling a nurse to "Go help the man, for Christ's sake!" on the way. And it was a good thing he did, because Stephens had his hands full. The nurse ran over to see that Kara had stood herself up from her wheelchair and was grabbing at the Marine's shirt collar, taking fistfuls of the fabric and shaking him.

"What is it Stephens?! What is it?! You better tell me right fucking now!"

Her wild eyes darted over his face, searching for a sign. A flicker of emotion. Something that would at least give her a hint, but there was nothing. His eyes were void and he had donned a cold, stony mask. He wasn't going to give her anything. Kara's body screamed for her to just give up and get into bed. Her legs were shaking and the tension on the stitches were sending hot spikes of pain through her limbs, some even starting to bleed... but she couldn't. She needed to know.


Behind her, the nurse had prepared the bed and the doctor had returned with a needle. He motioned for Stephens to get Kara on the bed. Slowly, the Marine walked forward with his hands under her armpits, holding her steady as she stumbled backward over her wobbly legs. Her grip on his shirt never loosened, even as she fell onto the bed. While Stephens awkwardly lowered her, the nurse placed a firm hand on her shoulder and did her best to pull one of Kara's arm away as the doctor prepared the injection. Stephens gingerly yet firmly pried her fingers loose, allowing the nurse to extend and sanitize the arm for injection.


He could barely look at her. Her face was so strained. So scared. Underneath the fear he caught glimpses of anger and betrayal flashing through her eyes.

"Is it one of them?" The question was nearly a whimper.

She watched as he closed his eyes and hung his head, exhaling slowly. He pried the fingers of her other hand off of collar, but instead of letting it drop, he held it. He held her hand almost as if his life depended on it. The doctor had just finished giving her the anesthesia when Stephens opened his eyes again. Within, Kara was shocked to see exactly what she saw in the Hive when she was told her brother was a goner. Pain. His eyes were watery and he seemed to be begging her again. Begging her to forgive him.

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