Chapter 27

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Not much excitement occurred in the next two days as the household waited for the arrival of Vor'mek'ta, so I shall spare you the unnecessary details. Dhi'ki-de and Kara worked to turn the dusty old bedroom into a livable space; rearranging some of the furniture, replacing some of the furs and pelts on the bed, turning on the water in the bathroom and filling the humongous tub, and finding places to put Kara's meager belongings. Ka'torag-na kept himself busy and avoided the house as much as possible. Kara explored a bit of Yautja cuisine, finding some favorites as well as some things she will likely never try eating again. She had bit into a peach-like fruit, expecting it to be just as soft and sweet as its Earthly cousin. Instead, the flesh was a gelatinous mush that tasted bitter and rotten and looked like lumpy grey aloe vera as she gagged and spat it into the sink. In another instance, it took her almost three hours, on and off, to explain to the two aliens why she refused to try the "best meat on the market" and insisted on "ruining" it by cooking it first. She did not dare to indulge in a raw carnivore diet, no matter the persuasion attempted.

The morning finally came when Ka'torg-na received word that their visitor had landed in the city. He barked orders at Dhi'ki-de: make sure the study was tidied and stocked with supplies, make sure they had a full bottle of c'ntlip on hand, and make sure the Hard Meat stayed locked in Kara's chambers for the duration of the visit.

"We do not need that creature causing undue commotion," he had said. "Ensure that it is kept secure and out of sight."

While Dhi'ki-de buzzed in, out, and all around the house, working silently and diligently, Kara did her best to be helpfully out of the way. The one time she ventured from her room, she was greeted with a brusque "keep your pup under control" from Ka'torag-na, nearly knocking her over as he came striding around the corner. So, here she was, absently twirling the chains of her necklaces between her fingers as she sat on the bed, watching the leaves softly dance over the balcony. In anticipation of this mystery visitor, she had freshened up and slicked her damp hair into a low bun; there was no hope of it drying nicely without a hairbrush to help straighten it. A bored sigh escaped her as she flopped back onto the bed, legs dangling over the edge, one arm across her abdomen and the other hand above her heart. She closed her eyes, focusing on her other senses. Her heartbeat thrummed against her fingers, entering a slow and steady rhythm that her breathing fell in time with. In for three heartbeats, out for three. In for four, out for four. In and out. Repetition is the lullaby of tranquility. It wasn't long until the ambient sounds faded away, leaving only the dull semi-consciousness of meditation. This was the state where people either felt themselves falling and jolted awake, or they embraced the warm numbness creeping into their limbs and enjoyed a moment of true peace as they waited in a lucid dream for deep sleep to claim them.

Kara felt the tingling of sleep beginning to weigh down her limbs as that bugling doorbell rang through the house, jerking her roughly back to wakefulness. The bed shifted under a new weight as she rubbed the bleary half-sleep from her eyes. Squinting through one eye, she saw a hazy reflection squinting back at her from the inky depths of the Xeno's shell. It hissed softly and its domed head leaned in close, a small dribble of saliva dripping onto her forehead.

"Ew, gross," she exclaimed, wiping and rubbing at the nasty substance. "Seriously dude? I think you did that on purpose."

The Xeno twitched its tail and nudged her shoulder, baring its teeth in what could only be a cheeky grin.

"Yeah yeah, I heard it. I'm getting up."

She rolled off of the bed and stretched, exhaling with relief as she cracked her neck. Placing her hand on the Xeno's face, she gently pushed it away, smiling as it flopped onto its side.

"Nasty lil' fucker. Don't you dare drool on the bed."

A large full-body mirror, salvaged during the room remodeling, was propped up next to the bed. Kara knew she'd find a better place for it eventually, like next to the dresser or something, but this spot would do for now. Taking a moment to look herself over, she flattened some flyaway strands, smoothed out her shirt, and ensured the fly on her shorts was zipped. Satisfied, she slipped on her sneakers and walked downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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