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so i wrote this around a year ago and got past 100 pages, then life got in the way and i forgot about it. i went back to continue it and oh boy.. i realized i need to rewrite the whole thing. it was so bad omg-  the story aspect was a good idea but the writing was just... wow- so i decided to post the new version of it on wattpad bc i'm surprisingly proud of it.

content warning - strong language, violence, gore, drugs and alcohol, intense situations, minor sexual situations

This is not a self insert bc ew and cringe this is not ms bella swan but I really really like this character and the twists and turns of her so i hope you guys treasure her as much as I do

 enjoy it hoes <3 

btw this story has good grammer but this A/N has personality

(another thing, i think i'm going to make this book one out of two or three unless y'all just want me to make one giant book)

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