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They made their way back to the cell block undetected by walkers. They must have been occupied by something else. Or worse, someone else. Carl unlocked the gate, joyfully marching with the duffel bag in hand.

"I thought you two were organizing the food?" Glenn slowly blinked. Raven didn't realize the group went back to the cafeteria and brought back food, she had been too wrapped up in Carl's stupid antics.

"We were doing something better," Carl basically skipped, smirking. Glenn's eyebrows furrowed as his face showed visible confusion. Raven stood next to him. She did not want to be associated with this shame, all she did was make sure he didn't die, it's not like she thought it was a good idea to go.

Carl plopped the bag down on the ground in the middle of Hershel's cell which was packed with almost the whole group. "Where did you get all of this?!" Carol gasped as she continued to attempt to stop Hershel from bleeding out.

"The infirmary," Carl flaunted.

"Did you go alone?" Lori frowned.

"I wanted to, but Raven forced me to take her," Oh brother. Everyone's eyes silently peered from Carl to Raven.

"Are you crazy?!" Lori yelled breathily, looking both red with anger and pale white at the same time.

"It's no big deal, I killed a few walkers," Carl shrugged. Lori looked like she was about to blow up.

"Do you see this?" Lori motioned over Hershel's nearly infected leg. "This happened when the whole group was there!" She fumed.

"I am perfectly fine, I didn't even need any help! We needed supplies so I got them,"

"I appreciate that but-" Lori started.

"Then get off my back!" He yelled.

"Carl!" Bet angrily jumped in. "You can't talk to her like that, she's your mother!" Carl turned bright pink. The whole cell went silent.

Lori took a breath to calm down. "Listen, I think it's great that-" She was cut off by Carl bolting out of the cell, clipping Glenn with his shoulder in the process. He stared down like he was offended but brushed it off quickly. The awkward tension in the room increased as the eyes around the room looked between Raven, Hershel, Lori, and everyone else.

Carol was the first one to break the tension as she rummaged through the bag and tended to Hershel. Raven took her cue to leave. With nowhere else to go, she walked down a few doors to Carl's cell. She leaned against the doorframe on her shoulder, her inside leg crossed over the other held up by the tip of her boot. Carl was sitting on the edge of his bed with his arms crossed, pouting. Raven held in her chuckle but couldn't hide the grin. "Get out." Carl angrily grumbled.

"You should really be in there with Hershel since you want to help so bad, pouty," She teased. It wasn't in a cute way, she was making fun of him. Lord knows he needed humbling anyways.

"You know... What's your problem?" He shot his head towards her. He was very angry.

"Hershel could die,"

"And what's it to you? You're nobody, why should you care?"

"Would you shut up and do something helpful already?" He looked back at the floor. "Look," She sighed. "I'm not saying your feelings or whatever aren't important, but right now you can't act on them... they could probably use your help for something,"

Carl rolled his eyes and stood up. "Why don't you go back to where you came from? It was nicer before you got here," And with that he stormed out of his cell and down to Hershel's. Ouch. Raven could admit she was being a bitch but wow.

She walked up to her cell, deciding to make it a little more comfy. She took the bed sheet and pillow that were on the bottom bunk and added it to her top bunk to make it more comfortable. Raven preferred the top bunk because if someone were to sneak in to murder her, it was less accessible. She likes heights anyways.

Raven took a look in the plexiglass mirror. She looked rough. Her hair was a gross bleached blonde that went down to the top of her shoulders. It was at the awkward length where you couldn't do anything with it, and her dark roots were showing about an inch of length. She didn't have any toner in her aunt's house, and the box she found didn't have anything. To say Raven was a "rebel" was an understatement, not that bleaching your hair is a rebel move though. Raven has a loud personality, and never misses a chance to express her interests through her actions, interests, and most of all, her fashion and hair. She'd always loved spooky things and is a self-proclaimed goth.

Raven had hazel eyes that showed specks of gold in the sun, but she liked nighttime better anyway. How cliché. She was wearing black cuffed jeans that showed her combat boots, fit with a red tee with black velvety accents and skeletons on it, the kind that an old biker guy would wear, and a black zip up sweater. Her outfit was tight enough that it couldn't be grabbed or caught on anything, but baggy enough that it wasn't uncomfortable. She had always been confident in herself, her style and her interests.

"Help! Please! Somebody!" A scream cut off her wandering thoughts. It was Lori. Raven cautiously ran down the stairs with her hand on her knife. She didn't go full speed in case Hershel was jumping out and out of control and she'd get stuck in it. She slipped into view and saw that Hershel was gripping onto Lori's head, with Maggie and Beth ripping her out of his grasp. Hershel freaked out a bit before plopping back down to a resting state. 

"What the fuck happened?" Raven looked over to see Carl holding his gun up at Hershel. He was shaking, with a terrified look on his face. Told you he was full of shit. Kinda feel bad though... not the point.

"His... His..." Lori gulped, breathless. "He had no pulse, so I went to do CPR and..." It was silent. Great.

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