03 | A Perfect Soul Circle

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It always made Jungkook feel a bit cold and empty when he had to leave their coven home and the wards that were infused with the combined magick of all of them. Despite the exceptionally strong bond they all shared as a coven and soulmates, the youngest always hated to part with the others.
It did help, though, that each of them wore a piece of jewelry that had a blend of all soulmates' intrinsic magick stored into. That meant the magick of Jungkook's soulmates clung to him like colourful splashes on his own fluffy aura even if they were far away.
Mingling and combining and so, so very satisfyingly showing that they belonged to each other.
Body, soul and magick.

Park Jimin walking next to him to the building for Performing Arts did definitely help, too. The way his airy light aura danced and curled around Jungkook as if it wanted to brighten his mood by simply showing him light-heartedness. Jimin rarely failed in achieving that.
Jungkook took Jimin's hand and laced their fingers together. The small frown on Jungkook's lips turned around into a bunny smile filled with the love and tenderness that echoed through their bond and spilt over into their coven bond, resonating within all soulmates.
And Jimin seemed to be oddly satisfied with himself as he squeezed Jungkook's hand. This smile was his doing. He had made his soulmate happy when he had been gloomy for leaving the others.

The eyes on them were nothing new. They were longing or lustfilled or wary, sometimes admiring or glaring or simply staring. The eyes were always on them.
No matter where the Kim coven went they were sure to draw attention, to pull eyes on them like light a myriad of moths. It had long since ceased to be exhausting.
Even Jungkook as the youngest had spent more than eight decades under the close scrutiny of everyone anywhere he went if he wasn't at his home, securely tugged away behind strong wards, high walls and more often than not within a tender set of arms curled around him.
At one point they had all gotten used to it. The stares and whispers were just something they all had learnt to live with. More or less.

And as the coven had come to get used to yet another crowd of people observing them from afar, they couldn't help but to marvel at the consistency of human nature. If all natural laws were disputed and the world would be upside down...humans would still envy each other and still admire what they deemed worthy of such attention.
By now the Kim coven knew exactly how to behave to keep others out. Some of them had centuries of perfecting that behaviour. A well-placed glare or biting snide comment here. A deliberate backpack on the seat next to them there. The fact that they always pushed away all excess chairs when they choose a table at the cafeteria.
They kept to themselves. Didn't mingle. And the entire campus knew that.

They were like gods of old, something to admire and fear from afar but never to come close to as they would burn those who dared alive.
The Bangtan coven was a living legend. Something to be talked about but never talked to. Something ancient and powerful so much so that it instilled fright and worship rather than a curiosity to get to know them. Something so far beyond anything of the natural plane of existence that it shouldn't ever be approached.
And as ridiculous as that was — because they were all just living, breathing beings with their virtues and vices and definitely nothing divine — the coven took it with a silent gratitude because it kept the masses away.

So it was to the usual admiration from afar that Jimin and Jungkook walked in for their first class of the day. And when Jimin had smoothed down his hair even though he liked to act as if he didn't care about all the stares, Jungkook couldn't help but to smile softly at his hyung.
Always so eager for praise and so horribly terrified to fail and disappoint. As if he ever could, their sweet, ethereal soulmate.
"Trying again to make something perfect even more perfect, hyung?", he teased therefore lightly as they walked up the stairs to the last row where they usually sat.
He was so very pleased with himself when he felt Jimin's magick flutter and curl a bit closer into his own as a dusty shade of pink appeared on the blond's cheeks.

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