Chapter 39 Part 2

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Harry's POV:

I can't believe that Jay did all of this for me. I didn't think that it was possible to love her anymore than I already did, but I do. A lot. I laugh at my cousins Ariana and Rosie as they do their "white girl" dances. I'm having so much fun tonight with everyone. It's so cool to have all of my friends together at once. Rosie grabs my hand and spins me, making the three of us laugh. I haven't seen them in about a month and it's always fun when they're around. They're not sisters, but they act like it. Gemma, Ariana and Rosie have always been really close ever since they were younger and I always loved hanging out with them.

"Harry!" Ariana yells over the music to me as she pulls me close so that I can hear her. "Whose the cute brunette?" She shouts. "Ashton?" I ask as I point to a spot on the dance floor where he's dancing with Rita. "Yeah." She nods her head. "He's my friend from college. Do you want me to introduce you?" I laugh at her. She nods her head eagerly. I grip her hand and pull her along with me to Ashton.

"Ash!" I yell over the bass, getting his attention. "Hey. I want to introduce you to my cousins Ariana and Rosie." I point to the two girls. Ashton politely nods to them with a grin. Rita and Rosie start talking while Ashton and Ariana begin speaking, leaving me alone to look around the crowded dance floor with a smile. It's so cool having everyone here. I look around to see Kelly and Gemma laughing and dancing. Luke and Michael at the bar. Calum and Perrie dance close on the dance floor. Niall and Demi are still in the VIP section sitting on the couch and talking while taking sips from their beers. Where's Jamie?

I frantically look around the room and don't see her. I push through the mass of people and find Ed and Jamie laughing and dancing on the far edge of the dance floor. I frown as I push through people to get closer. I know that they're close. They've been friends for as long as Ed and I have, but it's still odd to see them together, dancing and laughing. I approach them and Jay's face lights up the moment she sees me. I give her a small smile as I stand beside the two of them. I lean down and give Jamie a long, sweet kiss to her lips before pulling her into my side.

"Hey. Having fun?" I ask the two. Ed smiles widely at me and Jamie snuggles herself further into my side. "Yeah mate. Great party." Ed drunkenly cheers. "Thanks, but it's all Jamie." I smile as I turn my head to look down at her as she looks up at me. "Right. I forgot. I'm gonna go find Kelly and Gemma. See you guys later." Ed laughs as he stumbles back through the mass of swaying bodies.

"You want a drink." I turn to face Jamie as I hook my arms around her waist. "Sure." She laughs and I lead her to the bar where Luke and Michael are still sat at. I order a beer for myself and a soda for Jamie. She told me a few days ago that she doesn't drink. I sit on a stool next to Michael and pull Jamie onto my lap as I face the two boys. "So this is Jamie?" Michael smiles politely at Jay. I've talked about Jamie non-stop for the past five months since I met all of these guys and they've all been dying to meet her, and now they get to. 

"That's me." Jamie grins at Michael and Luke. "I thought you said you were just friends?" Luke asks with a confused face. "We are." Jamie and I say at the same time. I look down to see Jay has an adorable grin on her face. Michael and Luke give us confused nods. "You're definitely as pretty as Harry has told us." Michael winks at Jay. She hides a giggle behind her hand and thanks him.

I subconsciously pull Jamie by her hips closer into my body. I've never been a jealous guy, not even a little bit, but everything is always so different with Jamie and I also have a feeling that I wouldn't be so jealous if she was my girlfriend. I wouldn't feel as threatened if I knew that I was hers and she was mine, only mine. That sounds kind of possessive and I don't want it to. I don't want to own Jamie, I just want to know that I'm the only one that she wants, just like I want her to know that she's the only one that I want.

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