Chapter 5

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This is the song from the last chapter and it's again in this one. It's on the sidebar but the link is above if you need it! :)


Chapter 5:

Jamie’s POV: 

      Today was Monday which means it’s been three days since my date with Louis. Harry hasn’t talked to me since that night. In fact he is currently ignoring me. I don’t know this for sure but he hasn’t talked to me once and storms away each time I try and talk to him. I don’t even know what I did but I’m starting to suspect that night when he was pissed off it had to do with me. Why else would he be ignoring me? I know he and I aren’t friends but he’s never ignored me. Not even when we were kids and I made him mad. He must be really mad at me.

       Since it was Monday I was in school. Thank god this was the last Monday of the school year. Friday is our last day before summer break. I yawned and slammed my locker shut shuffling along the hallway to my next class trying to avoid angry teenagers. It’s the middle of the day and my normal crappy Monday is only worst than normal because of the way Harry has been acting. Every day at lunch I eat with Harry, and Kasey but today Harry didn’t even come to lunch. What the fuck?

       It was finally the last class of the day which I was thankful for but it also meant that I had Spanish and guess who sits right next to me in Spanish. Harry. Believe it or not I’m not exactly looking forward to being ignored by the guy I’m in love with… Oh gee I can’t wait!

      I walked into Spanish class early like I do every class and sat in my seat in the back. I pulled out everything I would need for this class and looked up at the clock. Well I still have two minutes until class starts. So, I flipped my notebook to a random page and started doodling in it. Before I knew it class was starting and the seat next to me was empty. I sighed closing my notebook. Of course he didn’t come. Why would he come? That would mean he would have to be in my presence which clearly bothers him. My thoughts were interrupted by the classroom door being slammed shut. My head shot up to see who was being so noisy when my gaze met a pair of emerald eyes, I was no longer curious but annoyed. Oh. So he did decide to show up.

      Harry dragged his feet over to his desk. I looked up at him trying to see if he was still avoiding me. Yes he most certainly was. He was looking all over the room while he took his seat and fiddled with his folder in his large hands. Well you know… he was looking everywhere in the room except for at me. I sighed and whispered to him while Mr. Phelps was talking about our end of year final. “So… are you going to ignore me forever or…” I looked at him and he was faced forward concentrating on everything that Mr. Phelps was saying like it was the most important thing in the world. Bullshit. Harry never pays attention in class and he will use anything as a distraction. “So, you won’t even tell me why you’re ignoring me? Great. Awesome.” I said sarcastically. Man, he was really starting to piss me off.

     He huffed but stared directly ahead still. I can’t believe he won’t even look at me. I give up. I turned my body to face Mr. Phelps. I let my mind drift off to awhile ago. When I was a lot happier than I am lately.


*10 Years Ago*

Jamie’s POV:

     I ran away from Harry as fast as I could. I was having trouble seeing where I was going because my tears were blinding me but I made my way into Harry’s house ok. I guess it’s because I practically live here and I know my way from Harry’s back yard to his bedroom blindfolded. I ran up his stairs and into his room, locking the door behind me. My tiny fists rubbed at my eyes as I sobbed. I waddled over to Harry’s twin size bed and hopped onto his death star bed sheets. I laid my head on his Luke Skywalker pillow and cried my eyes out. Minutes later I heard Harry calling my name and running up the staircase. Once he reached his room he jiggled the door handle.

My Sister's Boyfriend (Harry Styles AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora