Chapter 20

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Harry's POV:

       "I fucking knew this was going to happen!" I shouted. "Whoa man, calm down. She'll be here, ok?" Niall tried to comfort me. He's an idiot. Of course she isn't coming. Why would she come to say goodbye to me? We're "just friends". A knock at my door breaks me out of my self destructive thoughts. "Come in!" I shout in a voice I don't often use. My door slowly creaks open and Jamie slowly pops out from behind it. I know that my irritated voice scared her. Once my eyes meet her stunning blue ones all of my worries and anger just melt away. I quickly stand up from my bed  and run to Jamie. I quickly pull her tiny body into mine for a hug. "I'll just go wait downstairs." I hear Niall's voice whisper as he leaves the room.

      I reluctantly pull away from Jamie's embrace and lead her to my bed to sit down on. Once I've grasped both of her hands in mine she begins talking. "Matty wanted me to give you a present from him. He was really sad that he couldn't come and say goodbye himself." Jamie spoke in a sympathetic tone for her little brother before pulling a poorly wrapped gift out of her back pack and placing it into my hand. I sadly smiled at her. I can't stand that I'm not able to say goodbye to Matty before I leave too. I'll make sure to visit him the next time I'm home.

       I quickly move my hand up to Jamie's face to wipe away a few tears that have fallen from her eyes before opening the gift. I weakly smile at my sweet Jamie before opening up the present. I kind of want to burst into tears when I unwrap the gift to find Matty's Green Lantern action figure, the one that used to be Jamie's. "Don't forget." Jamie whispers to me as I stare down at an important memory in my life. My eyes well up with liquid before I whisper back to the girl I love. "I won't."


         After Jamie and I spend as much time together as we can, it's time to go. We both frown as we walk down the stairs of my house. I had to go. It was time to go off to college, like grown ups do. But, I'm not ready. I can't say goodbye to Jamie. I love Jamie. I need Jamie to be my girlfriend, but I'm leaving. Jamie isn't emotionally ready to have a boyfriend who lives far away. I can't give her all that she needs while being so far away. I just can't stand to not have her, and I can't stand to think that she could move on or find someone else while I'm away. But, I know that she's worried I'll do the same thing. Niall told me they have an agreement to tell each other all that's going on with each other and me, I guess. I still don't know how I feel about Jamie and Niall's incredibly close friendship.

           By the time Jamie and I reach the bottom of the stairs, my mom is already crying again and my dad is trying not to... again. The three of us get rather emotional as I say goodbye to them, but that's ok. I just don't want them getting lonely since Gemma and I are gone now. "Come and visit us anytime, son." My dad said with a weak smile painted on his face. I nodded before hugging my mother one last time. My parents shout goodbye to me and Niall as we leave. Niall, Jamie and I quickly get out the front door before we get pulled into any more hugs or childhood memories.

             Jamie walks Niall and I to our cars before saying goodbye. We walk Niall to his car first, and Jamie is quick to pull him in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you, Niall. Call me all the time." Jamie smiles at him. Niall nods his head with a sad smile on his face before whispering a goodbye to her. Niall and I shake hands and agree to meet at the campus. He quickly gets in his jeep and drives out of the drive way I once played ninjas in with Jamie.

              Now it's just Jay and I. This is going to be even harder than I thought it would be. It's harder because all of the feelings are there, but I can't act on them. We're still not together. In a creepy way, Jamie and I begin to cry at the exact same time. I grab Jamie's hips and pull her closer to me before resting my forehead on to hers. "I-I'll cal-l everyday an-and I'm going t-to visit a-at chris-christmas time." I get out as I sob and stutter and try not to be a complete embarrassment. Jamie's head rubs against mine as she nods her head. "Ok." She simply says in a delicate whisper. "Do your best, this is your chance to show the world your potential and take care of Niall." Jay continues in a shaky voice. I nod my head in agreement with what seems to be a permanent frown on my face.

             I pull my forehead away from hers and replace it with a soft kiss. My lips travel down to her shut eyes and I place a kiss on each one. I finish my kisses with a soft and long one on her cheek. I don't know what the line is, or if I crossed it. But, I don't care. I love and need Jamie. This is killing me. Saying goodbye sucks. I pull my head away from her then pull her body in for a long hug. I wrap my arms around her waist and breathe in this moment as she wraps her arms around my neck. We pull apart and I give her one last smile before we loose contact completely and I get into my car and drive off.


Thank you for reading if you did! I hope you are liking the story and liked this chapter! Please vote and comment if you want to! :)

-Jena xoxo

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