Chapter 28

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Harry's POV:

        "See I told you I'd call you back." Jamie's sweet voice spoke gently through my phone. "Surprisingly." I grumbled. I was being bitter despite the fact that I was happy she called like she said she would. "Why are you acting like that, Harry?" Jamie asked me in a desperate voice, but I knew she was fed up with my behavior. "Who were you hanging out with last night?" I asked her, ignoring her question completely and changing the subject. Jamie paused for a moment before hesitantly answering me. "You're never going to believe this Harry, but Liam's in town and he stopped by to say 'hi' last night and then we just decided to catch up." Jamie explained.

              To say I was absolutely fucking furious would be an understatement. "This is the Liam that was your first kiss? And that ruined our friendship and potential relationship? You went on a date with him?" I screamed angrily into the phone. I could practically see the shocked expression on Jamie's face right now. "Yeah." She simply said, not denying anything. Or maybe she just didn't want to defend herself, scared I'd blow up on her again, no matter what she had to say. "Great. It's nice knowing that. Do me a favor? Tell Liam I said 'hi' while he's fucking you." I spoke sarcastically and bitterly. 

               She wasn't here, but I knew what she was thinking. I could always tell what she was thinking, she was wondering how the hell I had got to be so disrespectful, she was blown away at my words, she was pissed, and she was wondering where her sweet Harry was. She stumbled over her words before spitting out a few dirty ones into the phone. "Fuck you!" She yelled. "No. You're fucking Liam. Has he grown up to be a sexy, masculine man? Is that it Jamie? He's manly, I'm not manly?" I growled into the phone.

                 I was infuriated and apparently she was too. "You. Are. A. DICK! Do you know that? You are so ignorant for thinking I would ever do such a thing with anybody aside from you! But, then again maybe I'm the ignorant one to be waiting around, saving myself for you when you're such an ass hole!" She spit into the phone. I grimaced hearing the venom of her words and knowing full well she knew every one of them. But I was quick to respond. I was just as mad as she was if not more so.

                    "You said it, not me sweetheart." I smirked as I let the arrogant words slip from my lips. "You are unbelievable, Harry Styles... You know? Maybe I should 'fuck' Liam since the only guy I've ever loved is acting like a joke!" She screamed wholeheartedly into the phone. And I wasn't there but I knew tears were welling in Jay's eyes... and I wish I could wipe them away as they fell from her eyes, which would be happening right about now. I was still pissed at her and her actions and words, but I needed Jay. I tried to keep her on the line longer. 

              "Wait-" I say in a voice that's a mix of hopeless, sad, and angry. "Forget it. Bye Harry." Jamie's broken voice shook as she whispered. The line went dead and my heart rate began to speed up knowing she hang up. My face flushed with anger. Visions of an older version of the Liam  I once knew and Jamie touching each other flashed through my head. Kissing. Nipping. Scratching. Sucking. Fucking. My voice released an inhuman sound that resembled a roar. Jamie was my girl, my baby. She can't be with him, can't touch him. He can't make love to her. I'm supposed to be her first time. 

                    My white knuckles suddenly turned red as I threw my phone across the room as hard as I possibly could. My nails racked down my face as I squeezed my eyes closed. I'd never known anger like this. My life was falling apart. I was falling apart. I was sabotaging everything I loved. I screamed into my hands. The scream didn't sound like my own. But, then again I didn't know what my scream sounded like. I had never screamed before. I had never needed to.

Niall's POV:

      I've been very concerned about Harry lately. The way that Harry's been acting is just so strange, so unusual, very out of character, so unlike himself. It's just so odd, and I can't comprehend why he would be acting this way and so suddenly. Harry has been the same guy, as long as I've known him. Aside from gradually maturing, Harry has always been his funny, easy going, silly self. It's odd that he's chosen now to start acting different, and so quickly too. 

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