Mistake 3: No Sign

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A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a warrior. As motivation, she would play songs for everybody so spirits weren't lost.

Nobody knew the names of the other warriors-nobody bothered to learn them.

One night, the brave warrior Sammie was strumming tunes on her guitar, but nobody paid much attention to the music. The other warriors spent the entire time wondering who she was.

The crowds began to dwindle, thinking there was no point in listening if they didn't know who the performer was. They thought it was pointless.

Sammie watched as the crowds began to disperse. Where are they going? She never found out, and she never will. Little did she know, it was because she didn't have a sign.

The End

When going busking, it is important to have a little sign propped up using your guitar case. People want to know who they are giving some money to, so don't forget to put a sign. A sign will typically have your name, and any social media accounts you have for busking. This will help promote you, and more people may come if they know what areas you typically play in.

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