Mistake 7: Bad Clothing Option

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It was Halloween night, and Sammie went out busking since everyone would be trick-or-treating. She didn't want to leave out the Halloween fun, so she dressed up as Frankenstein.

She goes and finds the busiest street in the neighborhood, and begins to play. Problem is, nobody was coming up to her. She even brought candy to give out! What kid would resist candy?

All the little kids of the neighborhood saw was a scary Frankenstein playing scary music at night. They ran down the street crying for their parents.

Sammie gave up. She packed up her guitar, sat on the curb, and ate her candy while sulking. Not your ideal Halloween.

The End

I'm not saying you can't wear a Halloween costume while busking, just maybe not something too scary if there will be a lot of little kids there. Believe it or not, your clothes can effect your success rate. Sadly, some people think of buskers as beggars. If you dress up very badly, then people will see you as a beggar. If you dress up in casual clothing that presents well, then they will see you ask a busker. This doesn't mean you can't be a little silly sometimes! If you've watched Dublin City Today, or live there, you might have seen the time the buskers decided to wear onesies!

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