Mistake 5: Bad Set-Up

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On one hot, Summer day, a girl named Sammie decided to take a little busking trip. Learning from some previous mistakes, she chose a New York City subway-a place that is always full of people.

Sammie gets her guitar out, tunes it, and begins playing. If you have ever been in a subway station, you know they are loud-especially in New York.

No one paid any attention to her. It was so loud in the subway, nobody could hear what Sammie was playing. She should have gotten an amp to plug her acoustic into.

The day goes on and on without any results. Eventually, Sammie gives up. She goes back to her apartment and collapses on the couch, dreaming of a more productive day.

The End

When you're busking, you need to think about your surroundings. Are you going to be somewhere that is typically quiet, or is it always loud? Most buskers have an acoustic guitar that can be plugged into an amp. This makes sure that everyone can hear them.

How (Not to) Busk in New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now