Mistake 6: Under Prepared Part 1

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In the Land of Dragons, there was a young dragon tamer named Sammie. She would take out her guitar and put the dragons to sleep, then give them a potion she made to tame them.

Sammie woke up one morning, and decided to go dragon taming. She grabbed her guitar case and ran out of the house. Time to find a dragon! She went to the cave all the dragon tamers go to and finds a dragon.

The dragon was a scaly, blue water dragon. These are always the toughest of dragons to tame-they aren't restricted to any areas like other dragons.

The dragon was curious to see what would happen, so it waited patiently. She sees Sammie take out her guitar. I hope I get a good performance from this one, unlike the others. The dragon didn't want another boring performance.

Sammie grabs her guitar, and starts strumming a song. All of a sudden, one of her strings pop. The dragon gets up in a stance, ready to attack. What should Sammie do, she doesn't have any extra strings!

If you have noticed, the chapter says Part 1, the next chapter is going to be Part 2, which will wrap up the story and the lesson. Also, sorry for leaving y'all on that cliffhanger.

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