Chapter 4: Rescue Mission

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As the group was working Wells went back over to the others and grabbed the two kids who were killed. He went to bury them, grabbing their clothes as he did.

"Hey Wells...can I get one of those jackets for Tink? She won't say anything but I know she's cold at night. Only if it's not too much trouble. I mean I could-" Wells handed Lip the jacket and went off, shaking his head. As he put the jacket on Tink, Silver and Annabeth cooed at them.

"Aren't you guys just the cutest." Silver teased.
Tink and Lip blushed at the words. However they weren't uncomfortable. Suddenly they were interrupted by a girls scream. They whipped their heads around to see a girl being held against her will by Murphy by a fire.

"Should we?" Silver asked.

"Yeah...we need more people on our side when Legolas decided to go all dictator on us."

Annabeth pushed Murphy and helped the girl.

"What the hell is wrong with you. I know you have a few screws loose but I didn't think you were stupid." She yelled at him making the people around laugh.

"You're dead princess." Suddenly he pulled a knife out. Wells got in front of her as if she needed protection.

"Wait. Fair fight."

As someone grabbed Annabeth, she immediately elbowed him in the stomach, then kicked him in the balls.

"Do not touch me." She glared at him as he fell to the ground. However Wells had Murphy against him with his makeshift knife to his neck.

"Wells! Let him go!" Clarke yelled alerting everyone that they were back. As Wells let him go, he charged at him again. This time Silver put him in his place. Hitting him in the jaw with her hand.

"That was for Tink." She said then went next to Annabeth who was looking for Quinn.

"Where's the food?" Bellamy asked

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather."

Annabeth ignored their conversation and looked for Quinn and she also noticed Jasper wasn't there.

"Where's Quinn and Jasper?"

"They...were hit. They took them." She suddenly turned to Wells. Looking at his wrist which Annabeth wrapped earlier. "Where's your wristband?"

"Ask him." He snarled towards Murphy and Clarke. As Annabeth walked away from the group, the others followed curiously.

"What are we going to do?"

"I'm not leaving Quinn out there with whatever these..." She suddenly stopped.

"What? What's wrong?"

She ran to her tent and looked in her bag. She grabbed the knife from before.

"Holy shit." Morgan said as he looked at the knife. "So there really are other people out here."

"Yeah and they aren't friendly." She said and put the bag on her back.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Quinn. You in or you out?"

"Oh I'm definitely in." Silver said ecstatic to find the enemy.

"Well stay here then, protect our little camp." She handed him her personal knife that Lionel put in the bag. "Use this if you need to."

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