Chapter 5: Best friend Duties

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"Anna wait!" Silver yelled running behind her. As she ran, they stopped at the sight. The others looked then went after the two.

There was a large boar that had already gotten her leg and a part of her stomach. She was barely hanging on.

"You get her and I'll distract it." Silver said and Annabeth nodded. Annabeth handed her, the knife she had and looked her in the eye.

"Over here!" They yelled, averting the boar's attention to them. Suddenly it started darting towards them. As it was about to hit them, they split up. It luckily chased Silver and Annabeth ran to Quinn. Catching her before she fell.

"I got you..." she mumbled as the girl passed out. She put her on her back, trying not to her her. As the others saw them, they ran to her.

"What happened?" Clarke asked but Annabeth looked towards the tree line where Silver went. It was quiet, a little too quiet for being chased by a boar. As the noise started again, you could see Silver running.

"Run!" She yelled. The boar was charging full speed at her and them. They all started running from the beast. With all the extra weight, the boar was gaining. They hid behind a tree trunk.

"What the hell was th-" Silver put her finger to her lips, silently shushing Wells. It's footsteps grew closer but then it stopped. It immediately ran in the other direction. Clarke peeked out.

"It's gone."

"Let's hurry before it comes back." Silver mumbled and got up. The walk back to camp was brutally quiet.

"They're back!" Everyone started running towards them. Annabeth quickly took Quinn in the drop ship.

"I'll go grab my bag. Keep and eye on her for a second." She went down the latter and ran to her little camp.

"Hey! I heard you were back and was worried about you. Well everyone was worried about you guys. But-"

"Lip, as much as I'd like you to continue Quinn is in there dying." She said and ran past him. She went in the tent, where Morgan was laughing with some guy from camp.

"Hey, you're back-" She ignored him and looked for her back finding it by his side. She grabbed her first aid kit. She ran back out and looked around camp.

"Evie, Cookie." The two girls look at her. "Come with me, bring the herbs you have so far."

They nodded and ran after her. They climbed back to see Jasper next to her. Clarke was mending to him. She went to Quinn and sanitized her hands.

"Silver im going to check out her wounds. You're my eyes and ears." She nodded and looked at the deep gash on her stomach. She opened it, and saw pieces of dirty, which she wasn't really concerned with. Her system would flush it out.

As she felt her stomach she immediately knew. She realized.

"I need you to hold her down." She looked at Evie, who was already squirming. "You too Cookie."

"Why?" Clarke asked confused.

"You didn't notice but the tip of the boar's horn was gone."

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