Chapter 7: The Innocent

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"What do you want?"

"Wow what's with the hostile attitude." She tried to joke.

"Why don't you just go back to your best friend and leave me alone."

"You're literally my only best friend." She rolled her eyes.

"Really? Cause I could of sworn you said I was some wannabe doctor." She glared at her.

"What? I- what are you talking about?"

"I heard you and Quinn okay? You don't know how you put up with me and- and-" Tears were falling from her face when Annabeth hugged her.

"Sil...we weren't talking about you."

"Who else could it be then?" She pushed her away.

"Clarke." She rolled her eyes. "She was asking Quinn all these questions about her health and how she healed so quickly. Quinn was complaining about her."

"Then why we're you blowing me off when you got back that night?"

She explained everything that had happened. Leaving out the part about the grounder. Even though she was her best friend, something prevented her from saying anything.

"I'm sorry...I was just overthinking."

"Yeah. You were. If I pitied you, I would of definitely left you in Alpha Station." She smiled, as Annabeth pushed her playfully.

"Do you think that the grounders really killed Wells?"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I don't just wouldn't be in their best interest." She was thinking about him. The thoughts of why he didn't kill her circling her mind.

"Now that you say doesn't seem right but who else could it of been?"

"We're in a camp full of murderers. Who else?"

"It could of been Murphy..."

"Nah I saw him knocked out when I came out of the drop ship."

"Murphy's out, Bellamy?"

"He liked tormenting Wells a little too much."

"Who else?"

"I don't know. Maybe we're overthinking."

"Yeah. Let's-"

Rustling in the forest made them quickly turn their eyes. They were surprised to see a horse!

"Woah! It- it's a real life horse." Silver got up and stared at the animal. As the horse saw them, it neighed. With further inspection, the horse had gear and even a saddle on it!

"Silver stay away from it." Annabeth said looking towards the trees.

"What why?"

"Isn't it weird that a horse with a full saddle and gear comes out of the forest? Conveniently while we're here..."

Silver slowly backed away. The horse started coming closer to them. The girls took one last look before running back.

"God if there weren't people trying to kill us, I would of totally pet it." Annabeth sighed while running next to her.

"You and me both."

On their way, the two came across a two headed deer which freaked them out, however they killed it for food. It was heavy for just two girls but they managed.

"Okay this head is freaking me out!" Silver yelled to her. She was silently laughing at her friend.

"Just a little longer. I can hear them."

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