Chapter 8: Healer

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She looked at her hands a little longer before Silver walked in.

"Hey you-"

"Stay away, I could be contagious," She warned. "I came in contact with something that got me sick. I don't need you going down with me right now." She put her jacket over her mouth and nose to try and help it not spread to her.

"Do you want me to get Ev-"

"No she's already stressed with her work now."

"But Annabeth-"

"I said no. Leave it at that." She said. Even though Silver hated it, she followed what she said. "If you're not better in a day, I'm getting her."

"I'm going out. Please don't follow me." She said putting on extra layers of clothes.

"You know they're still out there looking for the girl."

"I'm not going far, just to the river bank. I sho-" She started coughing again as she got up. The blood came out again making Silver worry. "Don't tell the others."

"But what if-"

"I'll be back before night." Silver sighed then walked away. A few minutes later Annabeth walked out and walked into the woods.

"Hey where you going?" Octavia asked.

"To the river. I'll be back."

"You look kinda pale."

"I'm black, I don't get pale." She rolled her eyes. She watched the distance between her and Octavia. Not wanting her to get sick.

"You know what I mean. You look sick," she walked closer to her. "Are you okay?"

She backed away. This confused Octavia until she realized.

"You're sick aren't you!"

"Octavia you can't tell anyone."

"Why? We could help you." She said looking the girl in her eyes.

"I can't risk you or anyone else getting sick. I'll be back before night." She smiled. She looked at Octavia a little longer til she gave in.

"If you're not back, I'm going out looking for you."

She nodded then left. She went to the river to let the sickness take its course. As night began to fall, she could hear yelling in the distance.

She quietly went to investigate and saw it was Murphy and Bellamy. Along with Clarke, Finn and the other delinquents. She covered her face with the torn piece of her shirt.

As her adrenaline started pumping, her eyes met Charlotte. She saw something in the girl, that reminded her of herself.

"I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did." She turned and ran. Everything moved in slow motion as she ran at the girl. As she started into the abyss. Her hand reached out and grabbed her.

"Please let me go." She whispered. As Annabeth started sliding, one of the rocks cut into her side. As she screamed out in pain, as the others tried to pull her up.

As their grip slipped on her, she started falling.

"Annabeth!" Bellamy yelled trying to hold onto her. She felt her blood dripping down her stomach. She held on to a loose branch. "Hang on! Please." His voice sounded pained and tired.

"Hang on Charlotte just a little longer." She smiled at the girl.

"You have to let me go or you'll die too."

"Listen to me I'm not letting you go."

"I can't let you go with me." She scratched at her hands. Making her scream again. Her hand started slipping out of hers.

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