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   As we got closer to the town I noticed the change in smell from the invading scent of flowers to the delicious smell of freshly baked bread sitting in window sills. We could also hear the bustling streets filled with people visiting the local market.
   We finally reached the end of the dirt path, both taking in the bright sight of the busy town. There are many buildings, most of them following a uniform color scheme of a beige cream, dark oak, and occasional red bricks. The layout of the town was quite simple, in the middle of the town was a ginormous circular area where the market and other events were often hosted and four different areas branch out from the center.
   We were currently in the northern area which was basically just a large rectangle with building lining the sides that leads directly to the middle. The eastern and western sides were almost identical in layout where the have circular ends just a bit smaller than the center and a rectangular section leading to the center. They also have a small area branching of from their main rectangle that contains gardens and a park.
   Finally, the southern area which is the largest of the branches. It contains three different parts, one is like the others with a large rectangle, but the two others consist of a variety of shapes that contain a mix of housing and shops.
   The town was huge, plenty big enough to give us a whole day of exploring.
"Dude, this place is amazing!" Tubbo exclaimed with a huge grin.
   I smiled back," Yeah! Plus the market's today, so we'll be able to find a lot more cool stuff!"
Tubbo seemed to get even more excited by that. I couldn't help but plaster my face with a grin seeing his giddiness.
"So, where we goin' first boss man?"
"Well, I know this really nice shop over in the western branch, we could probably start heading over there."
   Tubbo nodded in response, and I began to lead the way.
"So is this your first time visiting the kingdom?"
"Yeah, my parents were always a bit paranoid about letting my siblings come here because of some weird pollen allergies or something," he explained, rolling his eyes a bit.
"Is it just your siblings with the pollen allergies?" I ask.
"Yup, I absolutely love flowers, so I'm glad I don't have allergies."
"I adore flowers as well, the abundance of flowers here is my favorite part about this whole kingdom," I chuckle.
"What's the most common flower here?" Tubbo asks, looking around.
"Well, I gotta say it's either lavender or tulips."
"That definitely explains the strong floral scent then."
"Yeah, I hope it doesn't bother you," I said, knowing a lot of the time visitors tend to get overwhelmed by powerful flower smells.
"Oh, don't worry! I don't mind, I quite like waking up to such a refreshing scent!"
   We finally got to the center of the town, which is now bustling with life due to the market being held. Many people from neighboring kingdoms come to sell their local crops or other goods. Sometimes you even get the occasional fortune teller or performer.
   "Would you like to look around the market?" I ask Tubbo, seeing him looking about curiously at the colorful stalls and people from many kingdoms. He nodded his head.
  "Is it okay if I grab your hand, just so we don't get lost?" I ask, wanting to make sure we stayed together amongst the ocean of people.
   I noticed a slight tint of pink dusted his cheeks and ears.
  "Um.. yeah, sure we can do that," he nodded now looking a bit flustered. I let out small laugh and grab his hand, holding it loosely. We began walking around the stalls looking at all the goods on display. We eventually found a stall with many candies and sweets. I look at Tubbo tipping my head towards the stall. He nodded smiling.
   "Hello, how much do your sweets cost?" I speak to the person managing the stall.
   She looks up and smiles," Hard candies are 2 coins, a pouch of chocolate is 3 coins, and the mini cakes are 5 coins for 3."
  I nod and look over at Tubbo," Is there anything you want Tubbo?"
"Um, yeah, how about a few bits of chocolate?"
"That sounds good," I reach into my pouch full of coins, grabbing 6 coins. "We'll have 2 pouches of chocolate." I politely state placing the coins into the stall.
"Of course," she says, grabbing he pouches and handing them to me. I grab them with my one free hand," Thank you, and have a good day!"
  "Thank you as well, you love birds," she replied with a cheeky smile and a quick wink. Me and Tubbo both left the stall with red, flustered faces as we continued around the market, although we were still gripping each other's hand.


Hello! Sorry for the later update, school has been absolutely kicking my ass this week, but I still hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I'm really hoping I can start publishing more since next week is my last week of school, so I'll have more free time to write fan fiction about block men. Woo. Anyways, hope y'all are having a great day, and are drinking plenty of water!

[Words 893]

Sweet As Honey [Tubbo x Male reader]Where stories live. Discover now