Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Blasphemy is the only thing that went through my mind when I looked at this boy. His appearance would make anyone shudder, but not me. I was attracted to it. He was different, and a bad different. He wasn’t the boy your father would approve of; he would be the one you would sneak out of your house for in the middle of the night.

His house was cleaner then what I thought. It was a small apartment, but it was something. I mean, I haven’t lived in luxury, so this was as close as it gets. While driving in his small black car, I found out the little girl with him was his sister; her name was Skylynn and she was 4. His mother was abusive, both to him and herself, and the only chance of his sister’s protection was to steal his father’s sports car and start over in New York. He took all his savings and all of Skylynn’s, for her college trust fund. They are ‘missing,’ and that’s all his younger brother told him.

“Bubby, I’m tired. Can I go to bed?” Skylynn asked.

“Of course, Sky. I’ll wake you up before dinner.” Nash stated as Skylynn quickly ran down the hallway to her room, “So tell me about yourself.”

“I’m from Connecticut. My mother was an addict and died when I was 7 from an overdose. My father was a drunk and left me on the front steps of an orphanage. He is still out there somewhere, but I don’t know where. I was put in the foster system and I have been all over the tri-state area of New York. I decided I needed to live my life, so I ran away from my last foster parents. I sold my mother’s wedding ring, which was worth shit: so I um, sold everything I had, including the phone the foster system gave me. I bought myself some food to get my by for the week. Then, I was walking around and I passed a dark alley and that’s where you found me.” I said without much emotion. Looking up at his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes full of tears, was the hardest thing I could do.

“Brooke, I-I’m sor-” he started to say as you could hear he was choking on his words.

“Please, don’t. I’ve been said sorry to my whole life,” I replied in a muffle, “and don’t cry, please. If anything, I should be crying.”

He looked up at me and I felt hypnotized, looking into his glossy eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek. I whipped it away, as his hand reached up to mine. I slowly moved closer to him on the couch whilst he traced his fingers along my cheek.

“You're so beautiful” he whispered to me as I could feel him start to lean in. My mind was saying no, but I was saying yes. We were millimeters away as I could feel my heart pounding in my ears. His lips, so pink and soft, were almost touching mine. I would, on occasion, look up at his eyes to see his pupils very small: a sign of attraction.

“Fuck it” I whispered, not wanting anyone else, well Skylynn, to hear me as I crashed my lips on to his. They were so warm, yet I felt a chill when our hands touched. I broke the kiss, looking into his eyes; they were still so blue. I could stare at him for hours. He cupped my cheeks in his hands, pulling me back into a trance. I guess you could say it didn’t take long for me to kiss back.


Hi Guys! So this is going to be my 3rd fanfic on Wattpad and I'm really happy that although there were only 3 chapters up, there were almost 300 hundred reads. You guys are amazing.

Although this story starts out with Nash, it will continue on and Matthew will come in and you will see where he fits into the story. So, don't worry if you are thinking "Where is Matt?!?" I am in the process of writing the next chapter and he will be semi-included in it

I wanted a little bit of inspiration for the story. In general, I get major writers block and it stresses the hell out of me. So in the comments, please leave some ideas of what you should think the up-and-coming chapters should be

ONE LAST IMPORTAND MESSAGE! If you do give some ideas, I will be doing dedicated chapters. If you don't know what those are, it is when I write a chapter and I will dedicate it towards you. So please, if that gives you something to help with story writing, go right ahead

So, thats the end of this long af author's note. Thanks for reading

Brooke (.___.)

50 Shades of Black- A Matthew Espinosa Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora