Chapter 5

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Getting caught in my train of thought is a horrible habit of mine. When something occurs in my life, I can't get it passed my mind, until another event occurs; then I let my previous problems ago and only think about what is happening right then and there. Thoughts keep racing back and forth in my mind, but not of Nash. The night before Nash found me kept replaying in my mind. His breath reeked of alcohol, a smell I'm too familiar with.

It was an early Saturday morning, and Nash was at work, trying to help support Skylynn. I got a job, working at a small coffee shop on the weekends, and at Urban Outfitters at nights. We had a schedule. Nash was at work, so I watched Skylynn, and vise versa. Today just happened to be my day off, so I watched Skylynn.

"Brooke, can we go to the park, pleaseee?" Skylynn chirped as I was braiding her hair.

"Of course; we can go once I get ready." I replied as her eyes went wide with joy. Skylynn loved anything that involved being outdoors. She always wanted to go to Central Park. It was only a 10 minute walk, which may be far for her, but enjoyable to me. I threw on a free shirt I got from Urban and a pair of ripped jeans that I bought. I zipped up an old pair of combat boots and I was out the door with Sky.

Our walk wasn't long at all. Sky did most of the talking, and I did most of the listening. I've been prone to do most of the listening for almost all my life. Through my bedroom door, through the air vents; I know how to listen and how to stay quiet. The moment we go to Central Park, Sky ran to the slides and I stayed back on a bench, just watching and making sure she didn't get hurt.

"Which one's yours?" a close voice questioned. I turned to see a young man. He seemed to be in his early twenties. Very delicate features; his jaw clenched, his stance was tall, and his jacket fit him nicely. But his eyes were a shade of brown, pure hazel to be exact, and they seemed innocent.

"She's the one in the pink tutu. And she isn't 'mine,' just a friend's younger sibling," I replied with no hesitation. I looked into his eyes and he looked at the room on the bench next to me. "Please, sit. There's plenty of room."

"Thanks, and you are?"

"Brooke, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Matt, and the pleasure's mine"

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