trust me

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On Saturday morning, Thomas knocks on Newt's door. Newt opens the door.

"Why do you do this?" Newt asks.

"I hear knocking is a thing civilized people do." Thomas says. 

"Tommy." Newt says. "That is not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" Thomas asks. 

"Showing up randomly." Newt says. He sighs. "Nevermind. What is it?"

"I just wanted to see you." Thomas says 

"Okay, what is it?" Newt says. "Why do you do this? What is it about you, or about me, I guess, that makes you do this?"

"You're pretty great, if you haven't noticed." Thomas says. 

Newt rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

"It's true." Thomas says, a smirk playing across his face. 

Newt smiles, shaking his head. "Is it?" He says.

"Yeah." Thomas says. He leans against the doorframe, looking at him.

"Why are you really here, Tommy?" Newt asks. 

Thomas's smile falters slightly. "What do you mean? I just came to see you. Seriously."

"Right." Newt says. "Well, do you wanna come in or...?"

"Sure," He says. 

They sit on the couch. Newt looks at him.

"Tommy, there's something off about you." Newt says.

"No." Thomas says. "There's noth-nothing is off."

Newt tilts his head. "Are you sure?"

"Mhm." He says. "Yep. Totally sure."

"Well, I'm too tired to argue with you right now, so I'll let it be." Newt says, leaning back. "But to be clear, I don't believe you." Thomas shifts. Newt leans over and kisses him, putting a hand in his hair.  "You could tell me, you know."

"There's nothing to tell." Thomas says.

"Okay, Tommy," Newt says. "When you say things like that, it just makes me more suspicious."

Thomas makes a face. "Whatever."

"You're cute when you're nervous." Newt observes. 

"No." Thomas says. "I'm not nervous."

Newt rolls his eyes, smiling.  "Okay, Tommy."

He kisses him again and this time, Thomas kisses him back. Then, they hear footsteps. Newt pulls away and sees Lizzy.

"Called it!" She says. 

Newt looks at her, laughing. "That's great, Liz. Go away now."

She smiles but does, running off to her room. 

Thomas looks at Newt. "She's cute. And weird."

"Yes." Newt says. "Yes, she is." He kisses him quickly. "Now shut up."

"Gladly." Thomas says, grinning.

Newt rolls his eyes but kisses him again.

Newt lays in the grass, watching the clouds. Thomas sits next to him, but he refused to lay down. He holds Newt's hand, tracing circles on his palm. 

"It'd be unfortunate if it rained." Newt says. 

Thomas laughs. "That was so random."

"I'm very random." Newt says. "Tommy, lay down."

"No." Thomas says. "The grass is wet. I don't like it."

"Lay down or I'll make you." Newt says.

"Oh, yeah, do that." Thomas says. 

"This is why I don't say relevant things." Newt says, shaking his head.

"Okay, but, seriously, that one wasn't my fault." Thomas says. 

Newt sighs and sits up. "I hate you, Tommy." He says, resting his head on Thomas's shoulder. 

Thomas smiles softly. "I hate you too."

"You're coming with me." Thomas says.

"Tommy, it's three in the fucking morning." Newt says, looking at Thomas. "Why the hell are you here?" 

"You're coming with me." He says again. 

"It is the middle of the night." Newt says. "The only place I'm going is back to bed." 

"Newt, just..." Thomas grabs his hand and pulls him out of the house. 

Newt gasps as he pulls the door shut behind him. "Tommy, what the hell!" 

"Shhh!" Thomas says. "Just come on!"

Newt sighs but lets Thomas pull him into his car. 

"I swear to fucking god," Newt says. "If you are taking me to the middle of the woods to murder me-"

"I'm not murdering you." Thomas says, pulling out of the driveway. "Just trust me."

"Yeah, I don't, though." Newt says. 

Thomas drives until he reaches a small lake. He makes Newt get out of the car.

"Where are we?" Newt asks.

"The middle of the woods." Thomas says. 

"Tommy, I'm serious." Newt says. 

"Just trust me!" Thomas says. "Take off your shoes."

"I am not going into a lake at three in the morning." Newt says.

"No." Thomas says. "It's three fifteen."

"Tommy, I will murder you!" Newt says.

Thomas grabs him by the hand and drags him into the lake. Newt shrieks.


Thomas kisses him. Newt wraps his arms around his neck. Newt sighs, leaning against him.

"Why?" Newt asks. 

"Look." He says, and tilts his head back. 

Newt looks up and gasps. "Oh my god..." He whispers. "Is that all the stars?"

Thomas laughs quietly. "I told you to trust me."

Newt sighs happily. "It's so pretty." Thomas smiles. "Hey, Tommy?" He says, turning to him.

"Yeah?" Thomas says.

"I think I love you." He says.

"I think I love you too." Thomas says and kisses him again.


Anyway, thanks for reading. I love you all. <3. 

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