tell me

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Newt walks into Thomas's room, slamming the door open. 

"Okay, you know what?" He says. "I have had it with you. You have to tell me what's wrong and I refuse to kiss you until you tell me. You can't deny there is something wrong with you. You can't. Not anymore."

Thomas looks up at him, sitting on the edge of the bed. He doesn't say anything. He blinks, a stray tear falling down his cheek. 

Newt breathes out softly. "Tommy...what's wrong?" He sits in front of him, balancing on the tips of his toes. "Because you. Are not. Okay."

Thomas looks away from him. "I..." He sighs, running a shaky hand through his hair. "It's stupid."

Newt puts a hand on his knee. "It's not stupid if it's upsetting you, love."

Thomas takes a breath. "It's just my brother. He...he died when he was nine. I was twelve. And I know that was so long ago, so it's stupid. So I'm fine. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm okay."

Newt gets up and hugs him. "You're not okay and it's not stupid, alright?" He says into his ear. 

Thomas hugs him back. "Why are you so fucking perfect?"

"That's my secret." He says, a slight smile on his face. 

Later, Newt and Thomas lay in his bed. Newt lays in Thomas's arms, Thomas's hand running up and down his arm. 

"I love you, Tommy." Newt murmurs. 

"I love you too." Thomas says softly. 

Newt sighs deeply. "Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine." Thomas says, shifting.

"You don't look fine." Newt says.

"Then stop looking." Thomas responds.

"Tommy." Newt says, sitting up. 

Thomas sits up too. "What?"

"Well, first of all," Newt says. "I could never stop looking at you. Second of all, don't." 

Thomas sighs. "I'm serious this time."  

Newt kisses him. "Okay. If you're sure." 

"I'll be better if you keep doing that." Thomas says, a smirk on his face.  

"Oh, well then I guess I better keep doing it." He says. He kisses him again, putting his hands in his hair. "I wasn't even upset but now I'm better."

Thomas chuckles slightly. He reconnects their lips, pulling him into his lap. 

That night, they sit in Newt's room when the power goes off. Newt shrieks.

"What just happened!?" He cries. 

"It's okay." Thomas says, getting up. "It's just the power. Come on, let's go find some flashlights or something." Thomas takes Newt's hand and pulls him up. "Okay, where do you keep your flashlights?"

"We don't have flashlights!" Newt says. "Oh my god, we're going to die in the dark."

"Hey, it's okay." Thomas says. "We'll just go over to my house."

"How!?" Newt says. "We can't get out of this...this...prison!"

"Okay, relax." Thomas says. "Come on."

Thomas pulls him along out of the house but he trips.

"Tommy!" Newt cries. 

"I'm okay." He says. He stands up, wincing slightly. "I'm good, let's go."

When they get out of the house, they sit on the sidewalk. 

"Did you hurt yourself?" Newt asks, looking at him.

"No, I told you, I'm fine." Thomas says. "Let's go to my house."

"It's probably dark there too." Newt says.

"Yeah, but we have flashlights." Thomas says. 

He takes Newt's hand again and they walk into Thomas's house. He reaches up on a shelf and grabs the flashlights. 

"Here." He says. 

Both boys click them on.

"I don't like it here." Newt mutters. "It's too dark."

"It's alright." Thomas says. "Let's just go to my room."

"Your room with the lights off." Newt says. "What's your plan, Tommy?"

"It's not like I turned the lights off." He says. "It's just convenient." 

"Convenient, huh?" Newt says, grinning, as they walk through the halls. 

"Yeah." Thomas says.

They walk into the room and Thomas closes the door. Then, Newt turns around and kisses him. Thomas's hands go into his hair, the flashlights forgotten on the floor. 

A/N: My vicious cat is being sweet. I'm scared. Well, thanks for reading. Sorry for not updating for ten billion years. Love you guys sm <3

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