TopVictoria/BottomThomas Smut

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"Thomas? Thomas!" Victoria shouted for the guitarist with irritation and urgency in her voice.

It was midnight in a hotel they had been put in a couple days after winning Eurovision. They couldn't go back to Rome yet because of the need to quarantine and the whole band had been allocated a family room to stay in which in theory had enough room for the four of them. However, four very different personalities all staying in the same few rooms for five days hadn't been as easy as expected and they were only half way through their stay. They were driving each other up the walls. Damiano was frustrated at not being able to sing at the top of his lungs as there were other guests in the hotel and it would be rude, as he was told by Ethan much to his disagreement. Ethan himself, although not showing it as obviously as Damiano, was also missing the ability to make as much noise as he wished and longed for the feeling of drum sticks in his hands again but settled for busying himself trying to control Damiano rather than moping. Thomas was annoyed at, although understanding of, not being able to go out and party more after their massive victory despite them being allowed two days to celebrate afterwards, saying 'we just won the biggest music competition in all of europe and here we are stuck in a hotel room! this isn't fair!' on repeat. And Victoria was fed up of dealing with all the boys antics, the latest being Thomas and his tendency to move things and not tell you where he moved them too.

"Thomas!!" Victoria screamed louder and the boy in question appeared in the doorway to the kitchen to see Victoria standing by the small freezer they had with the door open and a very unimpressed expression on her face.
"What! I swear i haven't done anything!" He wined, used to being Victoria's target of annoyance, although it was usually his fault.
"Oh, are you sure about that?" She raised one eyebrow and Thomas knew, he really must have fucked up this time. That expression on Victoria's face never meant anything good for the guitarist.
Thomas sighed and looked down at his feet.
"What did i do this time...?" He asked quietly and winced as he heard the freezer door slam shut and Victoria's footsteps come towards him.
"Two words." She started. "Ice cream."
Oh. Thomas did know what he had done this time.
"Victoria! I'm sorry i didn't know it was yours! I swear! i wouldn't have eaten it if i did know!" He had looked up to meet her eyes and immediately regretted it.

Victoria has a skill to make the guitarist feel nervous, guilty, disappointed with himself, whatever she wanted with just one look and to his dismay, she gave him 'the look'. Thomas cowered and looked back down at his feet, swallowing a lump that wouldn't leave his throat and feeling a shiver go through his body.
"Thomas i'm not impressed. You know how much i like that ice cream and you know how we can't go out and buy more." Maybe she was over reacting because of the circumstances and she knew the ice cream didn't have her name written on it, but that didn't stop Victoria from being pissed. This was definitely not the first time something like this had happened when the guitarist definitely would have known not to do whatever it was he did on that occasion.
"Vic, i'm sorryyyy!" He said pouting, dragging out the 'ee' sound in sorry and sounding like a child being scolded by a teacher or parent. Victoria simply tutted and turned away from him.

Thomas felt a pang in his chest as she walked over to the sink and got herself a glass of water, leaning on the counter to sip it, paying zero attention to that wining boy in front of her. He doesn't like when he makes anyone annoyed, especially the stunning bassist, but he seemed to be causing all the problems for the group during their quarantining, or at least that is how he saw it. He heard Victoria tut again and he bit the inside of his cheek.

"Heeeello Victoria! Thomas." The one, the only, Damiano David walked into the small kitchen giving a small wave to Victoria and a nod directed towards Thomas.
"Hey Dami." Victoria said flatly and stared blankly at her glass of water.
"Oh no what have i walked into here?" Damiano questioned with a mischievous glint and leant on the other side of the counter top, sticking his ass out which was battling with a pair of very tight leather trousers designed to really show everything. Victoria rolled her eyes and let out another huff.
"First of all you don't need to stick your ass out, we all know you're hot." She started and Damiano pouted but looked proud of himself. "And secondly it's our little guitarist over there." She said jabbing a thumb in Thomas's direction without looking at him and went back to her water.
"Ahhhh. And what did he do this time to piss you of?" Damiano asked, cocking his head to one side making his fair fall slightly into his face. Thomas was jealous at how effortlessly attractive he looked.
"The bastard ate my ice cream! Again! This is the third time!" Victoria complained and Damiano chuckled. "I swear to god i don't know what to do with him sometimes!" She threw her hands up and huffed once more. Thomas felt that pang in his chest again. He didn't know he wasn't meant to eat it, nobody told him, but this had happened many times before and every time with the same brand and flavour of ice cream. Maybe he should have realised by himself and shouldn't need to be told.

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