Ethan Centric (slightly) Fluff

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@theimpossibledancer - request

A couple days after the event of Victoria and that fateful day, Ethan was still thinking about it and constantly fussing over her even though she was healing well. Obviously Damiano and Thomas were careful around her and conscious of her but Ethan was on a whole other level of anxiety about it.
"Ethan! I've told you i've got it, it's okay!" Victoria huffed whilst washing up the dishes from their lunch they ate together with Ethan protesting saying she shouldn't.
"But Vic!" He pouted. "I don't want you to hurt anything more!" She sighed and put down what she was washing, turning to face him whilst drying her hands on a tea towel.
"Ethan. I promise you i'm fine. You don't have to worry about me darling." she smiled sweetly and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Ethan! Just come over here and watch tv with us, Vic has got it!" Damiano shouted from the lounge area and Ethan begrudgingly went over to where the singer and Thomas were sat watching some sport thing he couldn't care less about.

When Ethan sat down Thomas wrapped his arms around him, pulling him down to lie down in front of him and Thomas snuggled into his back. Thomas hummed and kissed the back of Ethans neck.
"Hey Thomas." Ethan chuckled and relaxed a bit, worrying less about Victoria although she was still on his mind. She had finished the washing up and went to sit with Damiano on the other sofa they had in their hotel room and she leant into his side with a glass of water in her hands. The group stayed watching the sport for a while, Ethan bored out of his mind at the 'action' on screen, but enjoying being in Thomas's arms. It wasn't often he was little spoon and he liked it more than he liked to let on. Thomas and Damiano cheered as one team scored and Victoria laughed at the players falling over or their running faces. It felt homely and comfortable to Ethan and he enjoyed the feeling.

The game finally came to an end, the team Damiano and Thomas supported winning, and the group left the television on whilst they chatted.
"When they scored that goal though, in the second half, it was amazing! I didn't think anyone could have scored that!" Thomas excitedly relayed the events of the game, talking at a speed Ethan didn't even know was possible, with Damiano enthusiastically agreeing and Victoria telling them they were obsessed and laughing. Ethan liked hearing Victoria laugh. Despite the homely comfortable feeling and Thomas behind him happily chatting with Damiano and everything seemingly being perfect, Ethan still always saw Victoria in the corner of his eye and the memories of the other day came back as he worried all over again. He watched her as she laughed, trying to find any possible signs of unhappiness that they all may have missed and completely zoned out so missed Damiano asking him something.
"Ethan? Ethan!" Damiano shouted whilst Thomas shook him bringing him out of his trance.
"What? Oh yea sorry what is it?" He asked and Damiano sighed.
"I was asking if you are ok. You've been really quiet." Damiano asked and Ethan cursed his observant eyes.
"Yea yea i'm fine just never really understood sport is all." He mumbled and Thomas shifted behind him.
"Thats true but normally you make fun of us for liking it but today there is nothing, hence why we are worried." The guitarist added and Damiano nodded.
Ethan shrugged his shoulders and moved back further into Thomas who tightened his arms around him.

Ethan wasn't the best at expressing how he felt. Even with the people he trusted the most and knew cared about him, he still found it hard to open up or say what he was really thinking. He didn't want to be a bother to them or drag them down with him so thought it best if he just kept all of that to himself. However, the group knew each other very well and could tell when the drummer was upset. Today was no exception and he knew it.
"Ethan please love." Victoria said. "What's wrong?" Her brow was furrowed and she had a gentle tone to her voice. Ethan looked at her quickly and then looked at Thomas's arm that was around his waist, grabbing his hand with his own and holding it against his chest. Thomas stroked his knuckles with his thumb gently and kissed the drummers neck lightly, showing him he was there.
"I'm just worried about Vic..." Ethan whispered, slightly trailing off at the end. There was a slight pause from everyone before Victoria spoke.
"Ethan i'm ok. I promise." She said and frowned.
"But..." He started but stopped himself because he knew that whatever he said he would still be told 'she was fine' and there was 'nothing to worry about'. But to him there was everything to worry about. He was a natural worrier, despite most of the time being the one to calm down everyone else.
"I just hate thinking about it but it won't get out of my head." He said quietly and Victoria looked guilty whilst Thomas kissed him lightly again.
"I'm so sorry you had to see it Ethan." Victoria said and Ethan looked up at her.
"No no i'm glad i did because it meant we could help you. It's just sticking around in my mind despite what anyone says and tells me. It won't leave." He muttered the last parts and bit the inside of his cheek. Everyone was quiet for a bit again and the dull hum of the TV was the only noise in the room even though nobody was focussing on it.

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