SubDamiano/DomEthan Smut

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(Their pov from last part)

As Ethan dragged the whining Damiano into their shared twin room, he chuckled at the boy he had currently gripped in his hand by his hair.
"Damiano, would you please shut the fuck up, those two need space and quiet and you definitely don't deliver either of those two things." Ethan laughed and shoved the singer onto one of the beds, standing in front of him with his arms crossed.
"But you messed up my hair!!" he complained and pouted whilst trying to fix the 'messed up' hair in a mirror across the room. Ethan wouldn't say it at that moment but he thought the messy hair made Damiano look hot.
"It looks fine." he deadpanned and Damiano glared at him. "Anyway, nobody else is here but me so why do you care so much?" Ethan went and sat beside the singer, slinging an arm around his shoulder and pulling him in close.
"Because i like my hair to look good." Damiano said, calmer than he was before as his hair was mostly back to normal. Ethan chuckled at him again and rolled his eyes.
"Your hair always looks good darling, you have nothing to worry about." He smiled at Damiano and stood up to walk to the other bed in the room where he lay down and found the page of his book he has been reading before all the commotion started.

"Ethaaan. Ethaaaan!" Damiano whined from across the room only moments later.
"What Dami i'm trying to read." He replied expressionless. Silence. Unusual from Damiano so it caught Ethans attention more than before. He looked over to the other man and raised one eyebrow at him. Damiano looked deep in thought for a moment before meeting his gaze again and seemingly hesitating to say something.
"Dami whats up?" Ethan asked, discarding his book as he picked up on the singers change of mood.
"I-... Do you think they will be okay? And was Vic actually annoyed at Thomas?" He asked and looked at his hands, furrowing his brow. Ethan thought for a moment as he often did before he answered a question he was asked.
"Of course they will be okay Dami. And Vic wasn't annoyed at Thomas, tension is just running high because of the situation we are in. There is nothing to worry about as far as i am concerned." Damiano nodded, trusting what Ethan had to say as he always did but still concerned for his friends. Ethan noticed his lack of full acceptance and beckoned him to come over to his bed.

Damiano sat by his feet at the end of his bed, looking awkward and apprehensive, something rarely seen with Damiano unless he was upset or anxious. Ethan grabbed his hand and pulled him down to lie down with him, pulling him into his chest. Damiano curled into Ethan and closed his eyes, tired after a long day and enjoying the familiar smell of his shampoo present on his silky hair that tickled his face.
"They really will be okay Dami, nothing to worry about." He kissed the top of the other boys head and picked his book back up, assuming Damiano just wanted a little comfort at the moment and didn't need constant attention.

Damiano relaxed as he enjoyed being in the familiar place of Ethans chest and put a leg over his making Ethan move an arm to around his shoulders and kiss his forehead. Damiano opened his eyes and looked at what Ethan was reading and wasn't surprised to find him reading a poetry book that he had bought him not too long ago. They both had a love for poetry and Damiano had deemed the poems in this book so good that he just had to buy a copy for Ethan. It made him smile seeing him read it. The drummer felt Damiano smile against his chest and looked down to see him watching him reading.
"Want me to read out loud?" Ethan asked and Damiano nodded. They often did this for each other when they were stressed, or just for the shared enjoyment, but right now Damiano knew he would just enjoy listening to Ethans voice and didn't care too much about the poems themselves.

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
     If this be error and upon me proved,
     I never writ, nor no man ever loved."
-Sonnet 116 Shakespeare.

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