Isabella x reader

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When you were children you always hung out, your bond was unbreakable, you loved being in each others presence. You both believed that your caretaker was the best, but you didn't know the truth.

"Isabella, Y/n come here please" Our mother asked us with a smile but it looked sad, 'I wonder what's wrong with mama' I thought but we both ran to her,

"What's wrong mama?"
"I hate to inform you both but your being shipped, since you two have a bond, we will send you both to the same place."
Although you and Isabella were upset you were a bit happy hearing your both going together,
"Mama?" Isabella said 
"Yes my child"
"When are we getting shipped?"
Mama looked upset
We both looked shocked
"B-but why tell us now? Why not earlier?" Isabella exclaimed.
"My dear, they told us a bit later than expected, so ow about you two go pack your things yes?"
We both nodded and went to pack

~During packing~

"Y/n can you believe we are being sent, don't get me wrong I'm happy that we are both together but, I'll miss this place and our siblings"
"I understand, but there is not much we can do about it sadly"
I looked into her deep purple eyes, she has a sense of regret but I'm not sure why. But I brushed it off as she didn't want to leave. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lunch time~~~~~

"What is it Annabelle?" Isabella asked
"Let's play hide and seek" She exclaimed
We all looked at each other and agreed 
"I'll count" A child said

We all ran, it's hopefully a way to distract us from our upcoming shipment I wonder where Isabella and I are going. ooh maybe London, I heard that place is nice or maybe a new orphanage, well where I'm going Isabella will be with me and that's al that matters.

"FOUND YOU!!" The child called into the trees at me
"Ah, how did you find me?"
"Ehe you always hide there Y/n-Chan"
we giggled then went off to find the others

"Isabella what are you doing?"
I look at the dark brunette standing in front of the fence

"I'm just, wondering why mama doesn't allow us to cross the fence, I mean look how low it is, there is no sign of anger so it should be safe right Y/n"

She did have a point why would the fence be that low if there was danger so we decided to cross it


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