The beginning of everything Part 2

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Once the door to the Limo shut I let the tears fall silently while the armed men around me removed their helmets and giddly talked about "Going home".

It didn't seem to faze them that I was ripped from my family or that I was basically just sold to some stranger who I am sure is a pervert of some kind.

"HEY! welcome to the family kid. What's your name?" A warm voice said between the laughter of the others but I ignored them as I watched the dusty clouds of sand whip by my window.

"hey are you-"

"Let him be, he is morning" said a deeper voice

"Why? It-"

"Shut up, we don't know anything yet"

And then there was silence, at some point I had fallen asleep but was awoken by a nasty bump in the road the shook the whole limousine. How the heck was it moving on the sand anyways?

I glanced out the window to see we were still in the desert but approaching a large wall, I couldn't see the end of either side of the wall but it didnt make sense, there wasn't anything IN the desert! Not for 700 miles and that was a small water station and body removal service then another 690 miles till you reach a living town.

We entered the gate and I rolled down the window to gaze opened mouthed at a huge oasis with its own little forest the we started to drive through. I couldn't help the smile that pulled at my lips as I smelled the water and warm almost tropical feel in the air. When the water came into view I could only guess that this is what lookingat the sea would feel like, it was huge, I couldn't see where it ended and the water followed all the way to a beach front mansion where a black SUV was already waiting.

"At least he loved the view! Isnt he adorable?! I wanna pet hiiimmm" the same voice from earlier squealed and I finally glanced at the men who had kidnapped me, strangely the white haired man wasn't there, instead I was surrounded my four men of unique traits: The one who was talking about me was clearly a armadillo, thin looking golden brown scales covered around his face and down his neck vanishing in his black turtleneck, I wander if it was on his scalp but doubted it as I looked at his short brown spiky hair that was just a shade lighter then his golden brown skin, his eyes were a pretty gold brown that matched the scales covering his body, he smiled at me with a wolf-ish grin  and I quickly looked at the taller man sitting beside him and was just as shocked to see he looked beautiful, he was covered in glisning scales blue scales, his eyes were black with his irises being a deeper darker black that seemed to stare into my soul, he had Gourgous blue hair that literally fell like a aterfall down into a braid the stopped at his waist, unlike the others he had a large tank strapped to his back with a strange contraption sttached to either side of his throat.

"That's BlueMoon, we found in a native trive waaayyyy out, he's a blue double half-moon tail beta fish. His can't stay out of water for more then 6 hours so Sir made him a portable tank! He's sorta gruff and rough but he is actually nice when you get to know him! OH my name is Ryan, I'm an Three branded armadillo!" Ryan said scooting closer to me as Bluemoon gave him a harsh look but he either didn't care or didn't notice the scary man looking at him.

"That's Justine, he is a Pikas he said ponting at the mam across from him and me, with short brown,white and gray hair, strangely his skin matched his hair and I wondered absent-mindedly if they were even or if one color overpowered the other on his body? He also had whiskers and what looked like mouse ears, his eyes were a dark brown and he gave a very shy smile and I blushed as I realized I was checking him out.

"And last but not least this is Kane, He is a Saw-scaled Viper! Super venomous!" He said pointing to the last man, he was sexy  and knew it as he smirked at me, his hair was a shady blond that clashed with his diamond decorated black red and white scaled skin that looked soft to the touch, he commanded attention like a model or movie star and I noticed his hand resting on Justines inner thighs and he gave the smaller man a squeeze causing him to jump and squeak a bit and blush more while Kanes eyes never left mine and he licked his lips but my attention was pulled away when that deep voice from before spoke and I now know it was Bluemoon's.

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