twisted Fin

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Part 2

Oh my god! I thought as I started at my bedroom wall, bundled up under my blakets.

I had to be dreaming!
Ok, ok so I woke up this morning on a panic after another daily nightmare about the day drowned. 

It's also the day I lost my hearing but that's totally not important right now, No what's important is after I awoke from said nightmare the sound of rushing water didn't dull like it use too.

Nope in fact it came and went like someone talking... like Kasper Vain talking!

I whipped the sheets off and ran to the bathroom to umm take card of business, wash an get ready and proper before I died at the hands of the world's most handsome boy.

I slowly opened my door and peaked out.

Cost was clear, Move move move!
I rushed down the stairs, through the living and skidded to a halt in the entry way to the kitchen when a smiling Kass turned to me.

His lips moved but I only heard the ocean, my mom bopper me on the head and told me to go eat before I'm late for school and that Kasper and Dimitri would be taking me to school SIN-WHHHAAAAAAA

I turned to her and rushed to tell her I was good! I could walk like I always did but she waved me off, just as a blanked faced Dimitri walked in.

He eyed me, I eyed him

I huffed and ate the bacon, eggs and grits my mom had made but I didn't wanna >:( !.... ok I lied, I'd beat some ass over my mom's food. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice Kass scooting closer and closer till I turned and his smiling face was inches from mine.

Whyyyy did he have to be so gorgeous? From his eyes to those pouty lips that moved ever so slightly.

During very inappropriate staring he had leaned forward. He was so close I could taste his breath.

Then dirty minded mom had to ruin it with a " Ohhh are ya'll gonna smex? Is that how ya'll say it these days? Like 'Smex' on the floor? Huh huh?"

I'm sure my face was so red you could have cooked a turkey on it as I screeched at my mom to Hush up and finish cooking! I glanced back at my one true love to see him spaces away talking to a pissed Dimitri who's eyes were locked on me.

Keep looking so hard I'd I'll assume you want this Dick -_- I thought as I stuck my tounge at him covertly....

Lol he was pissed!

I chuckled to myself as I checked to make sure my mom didn't see me, she didn't! Back was turned and everything! If she had caught me I would have gotten a cuffed ear and bopped a couple dozen times. Lady was MEAN!

I turned back toward Kass to tell him I was leaving only to find him so close his lips brushed my nose.

I know I was saying something... not sure what tho, could have been 'Take me now! I'm ready' or 'googoo gahhhhhh gahhhhhh'. All I know is he laughed quietly then leaned in and liked the corner of my mouth. Said something then did it again.

At some point I had wrapped my fingers in his shirt and opened my mouth in a horrible attempt to kiss him but instead I ended up sucking his face, like a guppy while he pulled back a little to laugh.

Then I fell off my seat.

Sooo I made everyone late. They spent an hour fussing over me, we'll my mom and Kass, Dimitri just gave me the finger and left to school.

I finally convinced my mother that I was ok enough to move and then we were rushing. I was fine through rushing and basic distractions until it was just me and Kass on the way to school.

What had I DONE! I tried to suck his face off! I'm so stuuupiiid! I couldn't look at him.... What does he think if me?!

I chanced a glance to see him staring at me and that the cat had stopped in the packed school parking lot. Near the back. Outta view. Where he could ravishing me in peac- cough where I can apologize for my erratic behavior!

I gave a smile that I hope didn't look dumb and turned to him to ya know "Apologize" but got caught up staring at his mouth and remembering how warm and slightly rough his tounge had been on my lips.

How would they feel on my skin?
His eyes darkened and I wasn't sure what was wrong until he took my hand and slowly slid his tounge up the side of my index finger before slowly sucking it into his mouth.

I was hard as a Rock,  my blood ran south so fucking fast I was dizzy.
He didn't give me time to recover as he slammed his mouth against mine.

It was overwhelming! It was my first kiss and I know I probably failed but he knew what he was doing and turned me on to a boneless meatbag on his passenger seat.
When I gasped he slide his tounge against mine and the pushed something from his mouth into mine. I felt it, it was smooth and marble like but small. So small it was hard to get a feel for it and when I grimaced and went to pull away, he pulled me to him and put my hands under his shirt.

All creators above and below. THANK YOU! *SNIFF* my dreams have been answered in the form of this man's gorgeous fucking body that I can say I am currently feeling up. I think this is second base?

I swallowed but didn't think twice about it as the roaring ocean that was always in my ears faded to almost nothing! I could hear it but it was so low I could drown it out, and drown it out I did when Kaspers husky voice spoke to me telling me to look at him.

i didn't know I had closed my eyes but on his command I opened them, he looked ravished and his breathing was hard as he whiped the tears  I didn't know where falling from my eyes.

"Can you hear me? Good. One day I'm going to fuck you into the back seat so hard you'll scream and beg me for more" He said in a deeply accented voice that had be shivering and thee is NO WAY I'm getting this bones down before class!

WTF I thought as he kissed me again until I thought I'd faint, as he pulled me into his lap and ground himself against me.

Welp Boom goes the dynamite.

The shame of coming so quickly burned me but I didn't get as chance to worry about it as man clutched at me and came on his pants as well.

He told me that's what I do to him...Me! Little old me~

he had taken me to a store close to school and bought us new pants and me undies. Apparently he prefers free balling.

The entire time he told me about himself and how much he missed his family. How he always wanted to talk to me and how he always caught me staring *so embarrassing!*

We made it back by next class and I followed him in completely expecting my man to ignore me,  ant have him getting a bad rep being seen with me, but nope, he pulled me towards two empty chairs. Pulling them close together. Everyone was looking and  didn't give a hoot... well I didn't until Dimitri walked in with his goons and glared me down.

He stalked over to us and took a seat on the other side of Kass and telling me to beat it.

I of course ignored him but Kass didn't.

"Speak to him again and I will gut you this time." He said so calmly it was freaky

"Why! He can't hear me any.... you didnt?! How COULD YOU!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, making the teacher tell him to go to the principles office.

He stood slamming his chair as he literally growled at me before leaving the classroom.

he's going to kill me. I'm a dead man.

End part 2

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