Chapter 2-Its not working

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Alfie doubled over in pain clutching his head. Alissa ran towards him going to check the back of his head but the bracelet just tightened more. She winced quietly. The girl began charging towards the horse. Alissa jumped up and ran towards Alfie when she heard him shouting for Skull. She covered his mouth but he ripped it off and continued. 'It's a girl!' Alfie continued to shout, 'and a button-sized one at that!'
He promised. He said that he wouldn't tell Skull that Alissa was here. She knew he wasn't telling him about herself but he was drawing attention to her since she was near him. She saw a figure point at her so she nudged her feline-friend before rushing off. Alfie rushed towards Raven, his cob. Alissa ran along side him but not for the same reasons. She was running away from someone but he was running after someone.
She split off from him and ran through the trees swerving at every point. She heard Alfie shout at Raven telling him to go after the girl but Alissa didn't wait to find out. She jumped across the river and ran to hide behind some trees. She saw the girl outrun Alfie so Alissa left to find somewhere to stay. She didn't get far though because Amethyst ran towards the other wildcat. Alissa went to stop her furry friend but Amethyst just dragged her towards the girl and the wildcat. The girl's eyes widened and she reached for her catapult.
'Sorry about him...he's a bit...well he just isn't the greatest person alive,' Alissa said frowning.
'Aren't you two friends? Why aren't you with him?' The girl asked.
'We are friends, yes...actually great ones but we aren't alike. And I'm not there because I'm hiding and stupid Alfie blew my cover,' Alissa complained
She looked down at the sound of sniffing and saw Ame and the wildcat sniffing each other. Ame licked the other wildcats forehead and he turned away.
'It seems like he trusts you guys so...I guess you're good, for now,' the girl stated.
Alissa winced loudly at the feeling of my bracelet tugging her towards the other side of the lake.
'Why don't you take it off?' The girl asked.
'I've tried...nothing works!' Alissa said trying not to shout. 'Usually I can loosen it but it isn't working anymore.'
'Wait you're the girl from the chant?' The girl asked.
'You and the wildcat are the people from the chant?' Alissa asked. Both of them nodded slowly.
'Do you know what it means?' The girl asks.
',' Alissa replied grimly.
The other girl nodded, also confused, before she nodded towards a clearing.
'If you leave your weapon with can stay with me in my wagon,' the girl said.
Alissa nodded, needing shelter, and handed the girl opposite her, her crossbow.
They turned and headed towards the girls wagon but they both froze when they saw a man stood in front of them.

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