Chapter 3-Questions

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The man Alissa learned was Oak asked instantly who she was so she replied with, 'Alissa.'
'Alissa, what?' He urged.
'I...don't know,' Alissa replied.
He looked at her confused but rolled his eyes.
'Why are you here?' Oak asked.
'She's hiding and needs a place to stay. Plus he trusts her so I do too,' The girl replied pointing at her wildcat friend.
Oak sighed and nodded, 'as long as I'm taking her weapons while she's here.' Both girls nodded before they walked off.
Little did they know, Oak only let Alissa stay because he knew something about her because of both Amethyst and her bracelet.
He smiled as they walked away but upon remembering what was to come, he frowned.
'So, what's your name?' Alissa asked. 'You know mine now.'
'Moll, my names Moll,' Moll replied.
Alissa smiled, 'Moll. I like it! By the way, that's Amethyst, named after the crystal.'
'This is...' she looked at her wildcat for approval. He purred. 'This is Gryff.'
Alissa smiled as she saw Ame walk around the room before plopping down for a slumber. Moll passed Alissa a quilt before getting into bed herself. Alissa placed the quilt underneath her and stared at the roof of the wagon. She knew she wouldn't sleep much tonight but prayed she at least got a little sleep.

Alissa woke up to the sound of chickens and her eyes shot open at the feeling of something wet on her face. She saw Amethyst licking her face and shoved her away laughing. Amethyst snuggled next to her. Alissa gave her hugs for a few minutes before she put on her shoes and coat with Moll and slowly walked outside. A woman sat on the steps of the wagon so Alissa quickly walked around her. Alissa looked up and her face lit up. There were people running around, cooking, laughing and most importantly, they all wore bright smiles on their faces. Alissa had never seen anything like it. She was the most happy she had ever been but her face fell when she realised Alfie wasn't here to see it. She split off from Moll and looked around in awe. The place looked so happy and joyful now, unlike when she arrived. She saw food and ran towards it. A woman smiled at her, 'oh you're the girl that arrived home with Moll! I'm Lavinia Codona! Oh you look hungry here's some porridge!' Lavinia handed her a stone plate and Alissa gratefully took it before sitting down with Amethyst beside her. She nodded at Amethyst when she looked towards the woods and Ame happily bounded towards the trees. Alissa smiled and ate her porridge. Some girls walked past her, pointing, so Alissa looked down sadly. She didn't belong here. But before she could do anything else she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. She saw Moll and smiled. Moll looked scared though.
'Follow me,' she stated bluntly.
'Of course!' Alissa stated rushing to get up. They both walked to the fire and sat down.
'Oaks going to explain why we were in that chant and...everything else,' Moll explained.
Alissa's eyes widened but she too wanted to know everything.
A lady was scooping the porridge into a bowl and turned to look at the girls.
'Here, drink this.' She smiled at Moll. 'And there's one bowl of porridge left. You girls can share if you'd like?' Alissa thanked her but she wasn't very hungry. She was before she realised that she was going to work out...everything. She ate some never the less.
'Sometimes i sits and thinks; sometimes just sits.' A man said.
Moll had the last spoonful of porridge before they both sat back. Alissa scratched her nose, nervously.
'You Elders know about Skull's Dream Snatch, dont you? That's what you speak about late at night round the fire. I've heard you.'
The woman looked about to deny it, but when she saw Moll's glare she nodded.
'You all knew and I didn't!' Moll said furiously.
'Only the Elders knew.' The woman reached for a broom and began sweeping up scraps of food. 'And that was because we needed to keep you safe. If we hadn't told you about the boundary, you'd have crossed into Skull's camp years ago. You and Siddy are always off exploring places.'
Alissa felt out of place so she played with the hem of her shirt.
'Oi! Siddy! Over here-now! And take that ridiculous scrap of paper out of your mouth! Your father might smoke his tobacco after breakfast, but you're only twelve and you look ridiculous!' She shouted.
Siddy charges into the feeding chickens, sending them flying into a nearby wagon. Siddy made one more swing for Rocky Jo, then sidled back towards the fire. When he got to the girls, he dipped his flat cap and held out a hand, 'Hi im Siddy! And you are?'
'Alissa!' She replied with a large smile. She already liked him. She too disliked chickens because whenever she saw them they'd peck at her ankles and nipped at her hair. She shook his hand and he smiled at her once again.
'Your shirt needs a wash, your hairs all over the place and your shorts are covered in mud. Have I taught you nothing.'
Siddy beamed, 'you've taught me lots, Ma, but I haven't learned anything.'
Alissa giggled at this comment but quickly went back to her nervous state.
Patti clouted him round the head, but he only grinned harder.
Then he looked at both of the girls, his paper cigarette still lodged between his lips.
'You OK?'
Neither of them looked up but Alissa started tapping her foot along with scratching her nose, which, Moll now realised, is something she does when she's nervous.
'What've you gone and said to them!' Siddy said looking at his mother incredulously. 'You been giving her grief over spying on Skull? I heard she was only trying to get Jinx back! And far as I'm aware she did nothing!'
'I think you'd better take a seat Sid.' Patti said. Siddy plonked himself on the log next to Moll and Alissa while the lady busied herself with the dirty pans on the other side of the fire.
'It's Skull,' Moll mumbled from behind her hair. 'He-he's after me, Gryff and...I'm pretty sure Alissa.' Alissa nodded at the end.
'You, Gryff and Alissa?' Siddy replied frowning.
Alissa nodded, 'now everything's dreadful.'
Siddy shook his head. 'I don't understand. Tell me what you guys saw in the Deepwood.' He paused. 'Tell me everything.'
So they both did.
Siddy blew out through his lips. 'So Skull's got a Dream Snatch and he's using it to summon you, Gryff and Alissa but also he's done something to Alissa's bracelet, which by the way looks really tight?'
Moll sunk her head into her hands. 'Yes. And I don't even know why because Oak's out chopping logs so all me and Alissa can do it sit here and eat porridge until he comes back.' Alissa kicked the ground. Amethyst came trotting back with a mouse in her mouth. She sat down next to Siddy and his eyes widened. 'Why is there a wolf sat in front of me?'
'Oh that's Amethyst, her and me are...friends?' Amethyst gulped down her mouse and lay down beneath Alissa.
'Can you touch her?' He asked looking interested.
Alissa nodded and stroked her. 'You can stroke her too if you'd like?'
Siddy instantly sat next to Amethyst and pet her. Amethyst nuzzled into his side and went to sleep. Alissa smiled.
'She must like you!'
Siddy smiled brightly before bringing his attention back to Moll.
'None of this changes anything, Moll. Oak's camp will stand by you, no matter what you go around saying. You should know that by now.'
'But I'm different from the others. Proper different - not just my eyes and my beginning now.'
'And with me. Who do I have? I'm not a part of this amazing family in here. And nobody except you two wants me here. I should probably just go back to where I came from and get out of everyone's hair.' Alissa ranted.
'I know I haven't known you long Alissa but you're one of us now!' Siddy replied.
'But I never really will be.' Alissa muttered so nobody heard.
Siddy shrugged pulling an earthworm out of his pocket. 'Different's good - you just can't see it yet' He prodded his earthworm. 'Isn't that right?'
Moll shook her head. 'I shouldn't have let that boy in Skull's camp see me. Now skull knows where I am.' Her shoulders dropped. 'Why do I always go and mess things up?'
The lady swept a pile of scraps round the fire towards them.
'It's what makes us real, moll,' she said. 'And Alissa I may not know you well but Siddy's right! You are one of us now. There's a crack in everyone and everything, but that's how the light gets in.'
'Wish I didn't have so many cracks,' Moll muttered. 'I'm like a smashed-up eggshell, me.'
'What's this, Moll?' came a voice as rough as sandpaper from the other side of the fire. 'You planning another catapult attack on the chickens eggs with Siddy? Oh, who's that?'
'Not this time, Hard-Times Bob. And that's Alissa.'
'Ohh. That's Alissa?' Hard-times Bob shot a glance at Patti, who just nodded. He let out a low whistle, 'so you know about the Dream Snatch, eh?' He adjusted the snakeskin binding on his hand.
Moll, Siddy and Alissa nodded.
Hard-Times Bob yawned. 'Not like me to be napping through things like this.'
Patti (the lady) raised her eyebrows. 'It's exactly like you, Bob.'
Hard-Times Bob looked at Molls and Alissa. 'So Oak's told you all about the Bone-'
'That's enough, Bob!' Patti threw him a warning look. 'Oaks not back in the clearing yet; he's still to talk with the girls.'
Both girls leaped up. Alissa stared at Bob expectantly after Moll pleaded him to tell us.
For a moment, Bob's face looked torn, then it shut like a cupboard door. He looked over at Florence and another girl peeling potatoes on the steps of the wagon.
'Why don't you guys go help the girls out with the feast preparations until Oak gets back?' Florence looked up from the potatoes and smiled but gave Alissa a disgusted look. 'I bet they'd appreciate your help.'
Alissa and Moll stood up, not wanting to be around the girls. Then Bob winked. 'Would it help if I dislocated anything - just until you speak to Oak?'
Alissa smiled excited to see and ran to stand next to Siddy, who bounded round the fire to see.
'Maybe your elbow,' Moll mumbled.
Bob's arms disappeared into his waistcoat, his silver watch chain jiggled and, after several seconds of wriggling and wheezing, he held up a very floppy arm. Alissa looked at it amazed. Then he started hiccuping.
Patti bustled round and patted him on the back. 'You're not remembering to cross your boots before bed, are you? Prevents cramps and hiccups. You should know that by now.'
Bob rolled his eye. 'You girls think you've got it hard...'
But they weren't listening anymore. Oak was back and he was making his way to the fire. Alissa and Moll will finally have the answer to their questions.

The DreamSnatcherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें